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DvdLab Pro

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by bigorange, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I just downloaded DvdLab Pro to see if I wanted to pay the 100.00 to upgrade from DvdLab. I authored a movie I downloaded from TV(they played fine) and created my menu, edited commercials,etc. and got no errors in the last step(pro is supposed to give any errors you might have before it lets you continue ) before you hit start in the "compile DVD" window.

    I wrote to the hard drive because I wanted to check my compilation in WinDvd 6 before burning to disc using Nero instead of DvdLab. When it was finished it said the process was completed succesfully. I then browsed to my folder with the finished files to play in a software DVD player to make sure my compilation worked before I burned to disc. Guess what? No files in the folder! Two empty folders, one AUDIO_TS and one VIDEO_TS with nothing in either! I then browsed to my temp folder and it had files from where the program did it's work. But you can't use them to burn. No surprise there.

    I used two different hard drives for my folders. One for temp and one for finished files to speed up the process.

    I then redid the entire process from the start including loading my movie files, I then switched hard drives for the respective folders in case there was a problem there since the temp folder seemed to work. I ended up with the exact same resuts.

    I didn't notice anything about the trial that says you can't export finished files, as in the case of DvdReMake.

    Has anybody got any ideas? I realize this is a new program and not many have had a chance to use it, but I thought I'd take a shot.

    Thanx for any and all replies in advance, it is greatly appreciated :>)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2004
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    hi bigorange,
    It had been a while since I used DVD Lab so I went through the process with a short clip without any problems. I did not make any folders I just used the default locations for the output and temp folders.

    In the temp folder lab put a couple of .bmp files and in the output folder it put the standard VIDEO_TS with all the .vobs .bups and .ifos.

    I wonder if you were to just let it write to the default location if that would help. Its like the path to the folders you are writing to are not there. I would think that would give you an error or some indication of a problem though. I'm gonna post this and then tell Lab to write to my z drive and see if it will give me an error message. brb!

    Ok it will not let you write to a non-exsistant drive, your floppy drive or anything else. You get an error message. So that must mean that your paths were correct but lab did not have an output. I think I would try a couple of things. The first being a short clip of something so you don't have to deal with your big project files during the experiments. There is also an option to do a Test Compile (replace all movies with dummy) That might be even better than using a clip because, whatever the dummy is, it should at least be compliant. If it fails on that then that means the compliancy of your original movie was not the problem. Besides that, lab always checks compliancy. I doubt that is the problem. It is like it sent the files to who knows where! Maybe you could try and use the lab burn engine...I have never tried it. I always burn with Nero...but I see it sitting there in the Post-Compile options...Got an R/W?

    I'll tell ya man, I don't think Pro was ready to come out of beta yet. It may be a problem with the multiplexer, that was the last thing Oscar was working on. I had a hell of a time trying to get audio files to mux. No error messages, just couldn't get them to mux. He did fix that after I whined about it, so if you try and use audio that is missing the header info it will give an error message.

    I'm looking at standard lab 1.3 while I'm writing this so I don't know how accurate my rambling is...I see some multiplexer options but I know Pro has a completly different set up. Heck Big O, you may want to just remove and re-install... all I can think of is that it is just not getting the paths right. I keep coming back to that because Lab will always give you an error if something is wrong. If it does not know it is sending your files to cyber-heaven then you won't get an error message.

    I've got my e-mail posted at my website so if you want to bs some you can find it there.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2004
  3. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Thanx buddy! I knew if anyone would have a suggestion it would be you since you have been using the beta version a while now.. I would appreciate that, if it doesn't write to your folder then that's the problem. Funny thing is, it wrote to the temp folder on both drives when i switched them. heck, pro even recommends using 2 different drives to speed things up if you can. The default has both destination and temp folders on C drive only.

    Again, I got errors the first time and had to fix them so I know that's working. The next 2 times no errors reported and it even said the process completed successfully! Took about an hour. Does that sound about right? It was a one hour file after editing commercials.

    Again, thanx!

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