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Ringer ID changes when using bluetooth headset.

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by gadget22, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. gadget22

    gadget22 Guest

    Does any one knows if this can be fixed ? I have a Razr V3 and my ringtone change if I use my bluetooth headset. Rintotone changes to a "ring,ring" kind of tone I don't know why though. Is there any one that knows if this can be fixed/corrected? Thank you for any help that you guys would give me.
  2. M3phist0

    M3phist0 Guest

    nope, that is how it is and how it will be from all i've read....
  3. gadget22

    gadget22 Guest

    You said from all your've read. Would you be able to tell me where can I read more about this or that is related to this.
  4. M3phist0

    M3phist0 Guest


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