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Display on TV Different than on Monitor

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by muhombo, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. muhombo

    muhombo Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I have reproduced this using (2) authoring products so I am thinking the issue is with the video rather than the software. The (2) products I have used are:

    Pinnacle Studio Plus 9
    Sonic RecordNow! 5

    I have burned (2) video formats, WMV and MPEG-1, that have the same properties:

    Resolution: 320x240
    Aspect Ratio: 4:3

    The result is the outer 1/2" to 1" is cutoff when playing on a TV but the same video plays fine on a computer monitor.

    I have changed various settings with both products but no changes addressed the issue.

    I also have Windows Media Encoder and WinAVI Video Converter but do not see any options that would apply.

    Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated.
  2. SekiSeki

    SekiSeki Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    I've had this problem too, but I just had to set my tv to display things in 16:9.

    If your tv can't do that, tell the burning software you're using to encode in 16:9.
  3. proufo

    proufo Guest


    I guess your TV is showing the safe area while your PC monitor shows the full frame.

    That's how it should be.

    Best regards.
  4. muhombo

    muhombo Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Someone on a different forum explained how this issue was related to "overscanning" and how TVs interpret and display data. I use Pinnacle for authoring and they have a PIP tool that will allow you to pad the outer edges so the actual video display fits on the screen.

    Now I am just trying to find a solid WMV to MPEG converter because Pinnacle doesn't currently support WMV.

    Thanks fro teh feedback.

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