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Nero Wave Editor

Discussion in 'Audio' started by bytey, Dec 1, 2002.

  1. bytey

    bytey Guest


    I have just started using Nero Wave Editor and am trying to put together some audio to use in another programme.

    I want to be able to loop the area I have selected to check that it plays correctly when i import it to the other programme (which shall play it as a loop). However I cannot seem to find a facility to allow me to loop or replay the selection continuously? Surely this is possible in such a programme? Can anyone tell me where i can find this function? I have checked all the help files but nothing tells me..

    Any help would be greatly appreciated..

  2. Racemann

    Racemann Regular member

    Jul 21, 2002
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    I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind.

    You can use your mouse and left click, and drag the sections you want to play. Pressing the space bar will allow you to play in the selection but not continuously.

    If you have a wheel on the mouse, you can use it to zoom in/out any selected sections too.

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