I have Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4, and an Iomega ZipCD 650 burner.... (and windows 98) they worked fine for quite awhile, and all of a sudden, no matter what blank disc I insert, I just get the "insert a blank cd with sufficient space" message. I've tried upgrading, only burning 1 song, different disk brands, uninstalling, installing, and I just reformatted my entire computer. NOTHING! HELP!!!!!!
are you asking if I switched software or suggesting that I do? If the 1st part, no I haven't switched software. If the 2nd, what's good ???? (preferably freeware...)
Paperdoll, If a drive does not work, the problem can occur in 2 levels. -Hardware problem -Software problem Now in the software problem field are also the OS related probems with drivers and such. But the easiest thing to rule out is the actual buning software, so try any other sofware and see if it works. If it does not, then you are dealing with OS or HW probs. BurnAtOnce is free, and of course all software's offel free limited trials. Feurio! is a fab unlimited trial - best audioburner around, try that?