Hi. I have encountered this problem: if I choose, in DivX, portable profile (apt for 352x240/288) and set the bitrate at the maximum 768) my average movies become 1300 Mb! But if I choose in Virtualdub 'Audio__No Audio' instead of 'Audio___Direct Stream Copy' the AVI becomes a little bigger than 700 MB. This happens even if the audio part of the MPG I am compressing to AVI is about 200 MB! This happens even if I'm compressing an .MPG without sound! (a M1V or a MPG made from the 'mute' AVI above mentioned). What is this? A DivX bug or a problem of Virtualdub? (or my bad usage of them...?)
ok. Whats happening "!in my understanding!" is that you set the bitrate to 768, then selected no sound. A portion of the bitrate that would have gone to sound is now added to video quality. as a result your file should be slightly larger(dosent make sense but thats how it goes). If you want a smaller file use divx pro or xvid w/ a lower bitrate. hope thats helpfull.
ok. Whats happening "!in my understanding!" is that you set the bitrate to 768, then selected no sound. A portion of the bitrate that would have gone to sound is now added to video quality. as a result your file should be slightly larger(dosent make sense but thats how it goes). If you want a smaller file use divx pro or xvid w/ a lower bitrate. hope thats helpfull.
No, it's the opposite. If I choose 'No Audio' the file is smaller (700+ MB for a 2h movie). If I leave the audio on the file becomes , 1300 MB! The absurd is that if I load the 'mute' AVI with VirtualdubMod, add the MP2 audio stream and choose Video__Direct Stream Copy, the final AVI is correct (a little bigger than 800 MB). There's a serious bug here. I'm making a 'sticky' post formy experience. Anyone can contribute.
When encoding make sure you select the codec and use the bitrate calculator if you are using direct stream copy it works out to be the exact same size as I have tried it myself and it works fine with MP2 audio... on a direct stream copy... -infringer-