I don't get it. I created a DVD image on my hard drive that works (I can play it with powerDVD), but when I try to burn it through: -dvdIt -SpruceUp -GearPro that won't work. As the softwares try to write the first track, I get immediately an error message about a communication error with the dvd burner. I tried a dvd-r and dvd-rw mediums with the same result. The laser is working though since I can burn CDs. so what gives? I tried to change my hardware config, changing the dvr-104 from slave to master on the secondary ide. I also tried pio and ultra DMA mode without success. I've got a dual athlon MP 2200 running win2k. Other peripheral are a sony DVD-rom, maxtor 80 gb and floppy. I'be been browsing the internet for at least 2 weeks now, but I still can't find someone in the same situation. Am I the only one with a totally screwed up burner? Please Help if you can. Thanks
I am fairly new to this, but I would suggest doing a firmware upgrade and see if that helps. I know the 104 I just got had a very old firware version in it. You can see alot of posts regarding the firware versions for the 104 on these forums
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I already upgraded the firmware following pioneer advice (it is now v1.32). After upgrading, the results were identical ## I can't write a single DVD track ##
Hello! I am not familiar to programs you mentioned. Right now, at tehe moment I am burning a DVD with Nero Burning ROM - the writer is DVR-104 (ver. 1.33).
One thing you might want to check is the settings on your computer. I was encountering problems until I set my computer to PIO under the drive settings.
Chamat, I had exactly this problem end of last summer. If it is the same then your drive needs replacing. I think the problem lies with the laser staying on too long when writing DVDs which can burn it out. I think Pioneers lastest firmware was meant to fix it, but I only found that out once it already happened. I had to return the drive back to Ebuyer.com, have been waiting over 3 months for them to fix it so far.
I finally found a way to burn DVD on my A04. it turns out that Veritas has the right kind of dvd burner program. A friend of mine bought an external dvd burner from HP. The software bundled was from veritas and works very well with the DVR-104. I have no idea why my other DVD authoring tools were not able to handle the A04 properly though. Thanks to all of you for your help. Chamat