i have an iso file whose extension is exe. the full file name is khan.iso.exe i want to burn this image and my nero burner does not recognize this file as an image. each time i open the file a dos windows open and quickly closes automatically. please tell me how can i fix this problem. thanks
Some of these files are true .ISO files, just renamed to .iso.exe so that the filesharing programs recognize them as "software" when you search for them. A few months ago, I didn't know this either...I just guessed once, renamed my file to .ISO from .ISO.EXE and it worked fine. I use Kazaalite (Kazaa with spyware stripped off) since every time I run Mirc, I get a virus. As far as I know, all the popular P2P programs have spyware now.
DC++ has no spyware and it is the best P2P solution anyway. How do you manage to get viruses with MIRC? (This is not the right forum, but this is much too interesting.) You shouldn't be able to get infected in mirc, unless you download and execute infected files.
its a very stupid question but i have to ask it. how do u rename the file? because i tried renaming it by right clicking on it and then selecting the rename command. and nero still does not see it as image file. please note that properties if the file show that type of file is application and discription says fileneme.iso. and properties box has five more tabs than usual three tabs. these extra tabs are memory, program, font ,screen and misc.
(im sorry there was a mistake in message above. the correct sentence is ) please note that properties of the file show that type of file is application and discription says fileneme.iso.