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ok, about vcd and svcd

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by CRAZYmack, Dec 10, 2002.

  1. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok, i am experimenting trying to see if i can get them to work ,and I was just wondering, if it made a difference whether or not I used VCD or SVCD? and also, to get them to play on my DVD player (which is VCD compliant) do I have to use mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 encoding with TMPenc? I tried once, i converted a 70mb movie into mpeg-2 format for an SVCD then burned it on a CD-RW and put it in my DVD player, and I got picture and sound but it would be distored ever second or two by a bunch of crap that i couldn't recognize. any help would be great. thx
  2. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    VCD - Mpeg-1 1150kbits/sec
    352x240 (NTSC) or 352x288 (PAL)
    23.98fps or 29.98fps (NTSC)
    25fps (PAL)

    Audio - 44100hz 224kbits/sec

    Thats standard vcd wheras mpeg-2 would be used for SVCD

    SVCD cvarries higher quality than vcd but sicne your dvd player says it's vcd compilant, stick to vcd.

    Another note, the problem you had viewing may be avoidable by using cd-r instead of rw, always making sure that TMPGEnc works alone on the encoding process and burning no higher than 4x.

    For more info http://www.afterdawn.com/articles
  3. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok, i understand, but apparently my DVD player is SVCD compliant as well, as it played part of the disc, and I find that CD-RW's i actually get something whereas CD-R's i don't get anyhting, it just says that it can't read it...
  4. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Have a look at the documentation and see what that says!
  5. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    people always post links to the articles which ive read through, doesn't help me. anyway, I tried VCD encoding and burning on a CD-R and didn't even recognize it, said that it was a non-readable CD. But it always recognizes it with CD-RW but u tell me to use CD-R, so i dunno what to do... also when i burn it as a SVCD on a CD-RW I get sound and picture but its distored and skips, like ill get a second or two maybe of sound and picture then i get distortion then picture for a sec or two and then distortion and so on. I haven't tried VCD on CD-RW but i will. Also when i insert an SVCD into my DVD player, on the little display thing, it calls it a VCD, so I dunno.
  6. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Obviosly your dvd player doesnt support cd-r which can be a pain in the ass really! I dunno why it would read svcd as vcd but i'm not surprised that it only reads cd-rw because lots of ppl have been complaining about that in the past
  7. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok, well it only supports SVCD on CD-RW, is there any way to get rid of that distortion i was talking about before??
  8. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Does the "crap" show up when you play the same clip on your PC?

    And also, it might be because of different framerate, although highly unlikely.
  9. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    well, ok, no I don't get the distortion when i play it on PC, but like when i get the distortion, it doesn't skip parts of the video clip, like it would play a frame or two or three or whatever and then the crap and then continue with the clip. If u want i can take a picture of the crap and post it here.
  10. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Might be some weird-a** framerate issue, like the framerate is for NTSC and you're playing it with PAL player or vice versa that can't handle the other TV format.
  11. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok, im gonna try converting it to PAL, after all i did buy my DVD in europe, but it plays all zones.
  12. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok, pal conversion didn't work, like the conversion worked but i still got the distortion crap on it. Also, when ur enconding on TMPGenc are you supposed to get a fluid movie? or like frame by frame shit like that??? Cause the frames i actually SEE on my DVD player are the ones i see while its encoding, I don't see them all.
  13. CRAZYmack

    CRAZYmack Guest

    ok when im using TMPGenc, and its encoding and u can see the video while its encoding, are you supposed to get a fluid video in there? or are you supposed to get like frame by frame video, wehre it skips kind of some frames?? cuase thats what i get, and the frames i see while its encoding are the only ones i see on the SVCD when its not distorted.
  14. key

    key Guest

    try burning it at a lower speed.If you look up the top of the screen to the frame count on tmpgenc,you can see how many frames it encodes at once.Mine encodes about 18 frames at a time.Also make sure you don't have any other applications open.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2002

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