Just wondering who your ISP (ex. SBC, AOL, Roadrunner) is, and what kind of connection you have (ex. dial-up, broadband). I have SBC Yahoo DSL. Sorry if this has already been a topic of discussion.
I know you'll all hit the floor laughing when I say this, but I'm using AOL at the moment, lmao. 95% of the time I have cable provided by Cableone, but haven't had the money. I just keep using the 3 month free disks.
I use Comcast. But also have AOL. I use my AOL browser and IE w/ my cable connection. And, my cheap ass family uses my dial up service in Texas ... (they have to share lol)
I use Comcast, but it is true what they say about broadband or cable connection. Don't use during the day, when peep are the most active. It bottle necks. It runs about $40/month.
RR premium runs about 69.95 a month , can only use it if u can subscribe too time warner cable, there are other types as well, basic 44.95 a month and of course premium then business class which is 150.00 a month but with 8mb d/l and 2mb u/p
Mick, 512mb down 128mb up $70 a month, you'll blow everybody else out of the water with that or is it a total of 512 down & 128 up a month??
Bellsouth FastAccess DSL Xtrem Rated 3Mbps/ 384Kbps (best effort) Actual 2.5 Mbps/325Kbps $49.95 with complete choice.
@ Mick69 : is bigpond any good.I'm with eftel .Same speed and price as yours but theres no contract.You just pay the 30 days in advance and you can disconnect when ever you like
bigpond gets a bad rap by many people, but for me ive only experienced a few outages which didnt last longer than a few hours(and ive been with bigpond for nearly 2 yrs now)....also im on an unlimited plan(which isnt technically unlimited), after 10gb im surposed to be capped at 64kbps but over the past 6 months ive been downloading well over 20gb each month and havent been capped once so thats a big plus...but yes there is a 12/24(cant remember which) month contract that if you break you'll have to pay out the full amount of the contract(well over a grand if i remember correctly) so that kinda sux a bit but i dont plan on changing isp's any time soon so that wont be a prob. if your happy with eftel tho then stick with them, but if you feel like a change then check this out:. http://www.bigpond.com/internet-plans/broadband/byo/ also just wondering, what is your maximum download speed? my max speed is between 53-55kB/s but ive heard others that are on a 512kbps adsl line with different providers only get 47-49kB/s max speed, while others get a max speed of 58-60kB/s, i know that it all depends on how far away from the exchange you are but surely it depends on the isp as well?? seeing telstra own the telephone lines i woulda thought so