Set-up: Xbox 1.0, xecuter 2.6, evox 3935, 200 gb hd. After getting dashboard installed and going through process of putting new hd in, I went to move the folders of "games" and "apps" from the E: drive in FTP to the F:drive, and they weren't there at all. F: drive is also empty. Yet, when on my xbox, the lanuch menu still shows games and apps. FTP is set to show hidden files, yet they still aren't there (doing a search of the xbox yeilding nothing also). Does ANYONE have any idea what I can do?????
check the filepath on your evox.ini Also, did you setup the drive with the same bios you have on your xbox? and is the bios LBA patched to allow for over 137gb
here is what the evox.ini is showing: [Menu] Section "Root" { Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD Item "Trainers",ID_trainer Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot # Item "Power Cycle",ID_Full_Reboot Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off # Item "Lock Harddisk",@210 # Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211 Section "System Utils" { Item "Settings",ID_Settings Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios Item "Backup",ID_Backup Item "Skins",ID_Skins } Section "Launch Menu" { Section "Games" { AutoAddItem "e:\games\" AutoAddItem "f:\games\" SortAll } Section "Apps" { AutoAddItem "e:\apps\" AutoAddItem "f:\apps\" SortAll } } } [Action_10] LogFile = "f:\lock.log" Info "This function will lock your XBOX Harddisk" Warning "You will now lock your XBOX harddisk and will be able" Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios" # hddlockenable [Action_11] LogFile = "f:\unlock.log" Info "This function will unlock your XBOX Harddisk" Warning "You will now unlock your XBOX harddisk and will not be able" Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios" # ------------ As far as setting up the drive with the same bios i have on my xbox... the answer to that question is simply, I have no idea. I have the x2_4983 bios installed if that helps. As far as the last question... my best guess is, I think so... b/c the f:drive in settings while in evox shows 195 gb of free space. Basicallly... evox is functioning perfectly... all I am trying to do from this point is take my xbox from the point of the dashboard install and hd upgrade to putting dvd2xbox on it so i can save directly to the f:drive. Now what?