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Xpert DVD Maker USB 2.0 Set up problems

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by skantch, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. skantch

    skantch Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    Ive just plunked down hard cash for "Xpert DVD maker USB 2.0" and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with it?

    Ive installed it all and am up to date with the drivers.. alas, as soon as I go to open VTR Honestech TV, Im met with an error message, from the splash panel...

    "Access violation at address 00480c9D in module 'honestechtv.exe'. read of address 00000000"

    from then on, theres nothing goin on...

    Has anyone else had similar experiences when getting started or can they decipher what that message means?

    I have searched, but the only place i can find on the net with any reference to that error message is in polish...

    anyone fancy interpreting it for me?

    Thank you one and all!
  2. agent1966

    agent1966 Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Did you ever get this licked? If so, what did you do? I have a similar issue with a PCI version; the PVT878. It's funny that you mentioned the Polish site. I was wondering if I were the only one frustrated with that problem.
  3. skantch

    skantch Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    I did manage to use the USB hardware, but the bundled software ended up being consigned to the scrap heap...
    I tried to contact the customer services/tech support on numerous occasions, who sent me the latest updates, then ignored all further emails... handy..

    I ended up going for different software, namely iuVCR, which totally does the biz! Admittedly i dont know a great deal about all the bips and tweaks, but Ive been able to backup some of my old VHS!

    Im a bit of a tech noob, so am not sure if you would be able to get away with using different software, but I guess its just like when you get a burner, you get a free copy of nero - there are still plenty more burning apps out there....

    hope this helps!


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