Hi my dad has an E85 dvd recorder and bought a scart from www.sonel.com but the scart in question doesn't copy the ntsc video tape to dvd. The video in question was bought off ebay and it is a concert performance probably taped of ppv in america. Is it possible he has set up his machine wrong or is it just not possible for him to do this. Any advice would be great.
RFM - you need to know what type os video signal goes from the video: there are 3 possibilities usually: normal video (composite signal), RGB and S-video. E85 accepts all although RGB and S-video are mutually exclusive - you should set the input scart to the right one. And you need a fully connect scart cable (I don't know what pins are needed for RGB but if some of them missing, no signal comes into E85.
Thanks for reply, he has it working now apart from a black border being on the bottom of the screen when he tapes from ntsc to pal.