Alright here is the deal, softmodded xbox with the Action Replay 007 mod, everything works great but i cant FTP, the I.P. i set was and to make things easier i changed the password to 1234, now i have static IP set to ON, and everything is setup like my box modded with a chip, except the Action Replay modded XBOX were it says harddisk in the settings it says lock enabled, is that suppose to be like that, HELP
Well i went to the settings in EVOX and I changed the IP to the only thing i can think of is were it says hard disk in the settings it says LOCK ENABLED, does the drive have to be unlocked to be able to FTP
Absolutely not. Make sure your LAN I.P. ISN'T the same as your XBOX I.P. Your LAN I.P. should be something like "" and your xbox should be anything like "" Now, FTP using, and it should connect.
Thanks for all the help i figured it out and have succesfully modded 2 xbox's with the softmod, now i think im gonna try my hand at puttin in a bigger HD