im getting a x-box soon but i want to already get my modchip for it which should i get i want one that can play online and can save games to my HDD which should i get?
i've heard all kinds of good things about the Xenium ICE. i'm sure it has the ability to be turned off so you can play on live. the Xecuter 3 is also a good chip. the chip doesn't save games to your hdd, it just gives you the ability to do so, and they all do that.
if you have a version 1.6 xbox the spiderchip is the only chip that will work solderless...all the other chips must be soldered in on 1.6 xbox's.
i have a xecuter 3 soldered in....i was just telling you that if you have a 1.6 the spiderchip is your only option if you want solderless....basically you flash your chip with a hacked bios, this lets you install a new dashboard...with the new dash you can install apps that will copy games to your hd...the dash will also let you play those games off of the hd without the disc...however if you use the stock xbox hd, you can only put 2 games or so on there...that is why many people choose to upgrade their hd...most people use 120gig and should really read up on all this stuff rather than just works like a charm.