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Banned from Xbox Live.....Please Help.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by satman69, Feb 8, 2005.

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  1. satman69

    satman69 Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    I upgraded my HDD in my xbox after I signed up for my xbox live account and now I've been banned. I didn't have the chip on and it booted the original bios and dash. The first time after I replaced my HDD I was able to sign on to Xbox live, but now I can't. Is there ANY way to un-ban myself from xbox live? (Maybe reinstalling the old HDD?) If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated!! I really want to play my online games.

    Please Help,
    Thanks in advance.
  2. ShaneXH

    ShaneXH Guest

    That might work just try it...but Im pretty sure when xbox live bans someone its actually they ban the xbox...so you may need to get a new account(try one of the free trial things) or a new xbox to play live
  3. Hrdrk20

    Hrdrk20 Regular member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Switching hard drives won't work because the eprom chip in your xbox is what was banned. Think of it as a chip with a serial number on it. They know your Xbox has been altered so it's "tough luck chump". Sorry, either go online with Xbox Connect or Kai or pick up a new Xbox.
  4. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you can get a new eeprom for your xbox...people sell them for like 10bucks....but if you want to play on live you will have to use your stock hd(since that is the one you used when you signed up to live) and you will need a new eeprom....disregard that guys post about your account being banned...that is completely false...they ban the xbox.
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ satman69

    You're going to get banned from here too if you ever spam a question across multiple forums again. Read the forum rules before posting again.
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