Intervideo dvd copy3 is much faster and better, but its also not free..80 dollars(usd) Also nero recode.
jim_dandy I believe Brobear also recommends DVDcopy3 as his method of choice. Have you seen any conflicts between this software and any others in your system?
hi this dvdcopy3 does it rip and compress, well basically does the lot? in one app? not heard of this one. may try it...
This site has been crashing more than a dead bird lately. No conflicts whatsoever.I cant speak for the poor unfortunate souls that have installed xp sp2 but I havent had one problem. My buddies bigorange,brobear,and sophocoles,reccomend this software which is why I now have it. Rotary it doesnt rip, but if you have AnyDvd(which I do)its not a problem.It does compress, and burn, and very well,I must say.It even compares to, dvdrb/cce in quality.
hi thx jim for the info i suppose the burn time stays like 4x = 14/15mins, but faster on compression? also does have more features like shrink for cropping say? i should ge read really the website, hehe.... but thank you!
Hi there, I am amazed on how people are not patient at all. I have DVD Decrypter (FREE) I have DVD Shrink (FREE) I have VSO DivxToDVD (FREE) Quality is excellent (For me). OK takes a little while but hey, did I mentioned those are all free ? Patience people ! People seem to want to RIP in 10 minutes and burn at 16x
polski didnt ask for your opinions on dvd shrink, and dvd decrypter,he already has them, so im thinking that he knows they are free. He asked if there is anything the entire thread, and add something constructive to the original posted question, or stay off it. Ive been using dvd shrink, and dvd decrypter, for ages,and believe it, or not,if you have the money to spend,there are better programs available. Speed is not the determing factor for me,I use dvdrb/cce which can take over 4 hours...its all about the quality. Oh btw,I never burn at anything faster than 4x
i just purchased 1 Click DVD Copy.....its the fastest on the market....i love it....and i burn at max speed.....what is the purpose of burning at 4X speed? it a lot slower of a burn and better quality...if so, how interested...thanx
It depends on your system, and burner, and media, rather or not you can burn faster. Slower burning limits your chances of errors.
CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD are faster. Better?? Depends on who you ask I would say they are equal due to the fact that Decrypter and Shrink are free. CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD is a powerfull combination and fast, but it does cost.
Check out this site. They rate the DVD copying software. I guess you can take it for what its worth.
thanks for the link bb hmmmmm I dont see Intervideo dvdcopy 3,I guess they dont wanna compare themselves to that.
Dont do do it! Dont believe the hype! That program produces very poor quality backup's and doesnt have many features. All of the proggys out there have trial. I reccomend you try them all out and see which one you like best. The rating you read around the web are pretty much advertisments haven't you noticed that most them sites are selling the same exact software theat they rate.. Hmmm got to make you wonder there... If I where to rate them and I have no ties to any of these companys.. Also I would hope others give there opinion.. 1. DVD Copy3 - Superb picture quality 2. CloneDVD2 - Pretty close to perfect 3. Nero Recode/DVD Shrink 4. DVD ClonerII 5. Alcohol 120% Of course with some of those you will need AnyDVD or DVD Decrypter, but both are must haves anyway.. These are just my personal opinions and I realize some people are going to disagree, but I just arive at these base soley on my expirence with them and the testing done with each. If you like to back up the whole DVD with extras and everything then DVDC3 is the way to go it produces far superior quality when compressing the DVD. Of course if you only back up the main movie with little or no compression then there is no need to spend money on anything when you can get good quality backup's with Shrink and Decrypter. I did leave Cinema Craft encoder off of the list because the average user doesnt want to spend that kind of money or wait that long for there project to be completed, but if you are not bothered by any of that then CCE is the real way to go. Ok now all of you can let me have it Please do this will only help ryan in his decision
My list would be as follows 1.Dvdrb/cce...The best combo ive seen,the encoding times are sometimes over 4 hours,but you can do a batch encode, and do several at a time, while you work, or sleep.Initial cost 60 bucks, when using the cce basic(same encoder engine as the sp version)..a little tricky to setup at first, but vurbal wrote a very good guide to help you with that part. 2.Intervideo dvdcopy3...great job on movies that need a lot of compression,very fast...The editing capabilities are poor, to say the least,best to do the whole disc, or the whole movie,no start end frames feature. 3.nero recode..better quality than dvd shrink, altho the interface is pretty much the same as dvd shrink,handles more compression,than does shrink 4.clonedvd...very simple to use relatively fast....good quality, but not good with alot of compression. 5.dvd shrink...this is my analyzing tool,I use this to decide what app to use,unless no compression is needed...the quality setting can take close to as long as dvdrb/cce without the quality. 6.dvd decrypter...the best overall ripper great for dvd 5's...can rip and burn. All of these app I use are done with AnyDvd running in the background...AnyDvd is the one app I consider a "must have". later jD
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