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ok..wot hardware/software do i need..[vhs-dvd]

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by dazzyb, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. dazzyb

    dazzyb Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Hi all..total newbie here i want to transfer VHS to DVD as by the looks of this forum so do many others :)
    can someone tell me if i have the necessary equipment ie hardware and software to do this? here goes:

    I have
    DVD rw
    wintv pci card
    a VHS recorder :)
    nero v6

    radeon 256 mb vid card
    1.7ghz pro
    2x 40 gb hdd
    audioblaster sound card
    win xp pro o/s
    do i need anything else...?????or will what i have be enough??
    many many thanks

  2. bid_dj

    bid_dj Guest

    how much sys memory do u have I would say 512MB is the min if you have more than that would be great coz when rec to a dvd nero converts it to top quality and for me when i had 512MB took me 7HR's to complete the whole process o and download Microsoft media encorder makes it much easier could download it at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/default.asp its free
  3. dazzyb

    dazzyb Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    thanks m8..i have 512sys ram...i can save to hard drive..but in nero when i press record to capture ,the capture screen in nero goes green or i get green lines across the picture which when i playback in windows or whatever is still the same? any ideas?
  4. pfh

    pfh Guest

    I'm not familiar w/ that card but judging by it's name it would appear to allow you to watch anolog input on your pc. As far as taking that signal and converting it to storable digital format I can't really say. So then, capturing and watching is differnt than capturing/converting/saving (and in the process you could watch it on pc monitor). I know I didn't really help and I don't at all mean to insult your IQ but just thought clairification might help.
    If your card states that it can convert create and store video then I'd say there is something you're not doing quite right.
    The last tv capture card I had was an ATI TV VE on a Win98 machine. This little $49 card was great for using a pc monitor for tv viewing but was not a full blown capture + convertor. It would quasi time shift and record tv input (or vcr) thru ATI software but the end product was crappy video. It was essentially just a tv tuner card and the software was doing all the work. It's always best if you can get that anolog signal converted to digital thru a true hardware encoder chip of some kind before or while it saves to hard drive. That's where we are at nowadays. There are various chips being produced these days at various prices so it's left up to you as to what your budget supports.
    Hope this helps clarify your situation. No insult intended.
  5. dazzyb

    dazzyb Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    cheers m8....its beggining to sense :)
    i have thought about buying Adaptec's VideOh usb 2 analogue to digital conveter...anyone had any experiance with these?
    Ta all

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