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Please help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by heinks, Dec 25, 2002.

  1. heinks

    heinks Member

    Dec 25, 2002
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    I just got a dvd burner and im trying to burn The Fast and the Furious..its too large so i know i have to rip it and remove unescarry files but, i have no idea how to do that and how to burn it someone please help
  2. wheelerdr

    wheelerdr Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    if the riped file is less than 4 gigs

    first of all ensure you rip into ifo mode.
    now you need ifoedit to edit.
    open up ifoedit and open up ifo file video_ts and click open
    now click on vob extras leav everything the same click on rip it .
    next decheck the subpicture files and leave the audio stream check click rip it tkes about 30 min

    now close ifo edit and reopen it open up the video_ts file you just riped and click get vts sectors and then click dvdplayback it should play great and then you can burn it

    if it is larger than 4 gig you will need remped to shrink the file before using ifo edit ok
    if you do not understand go to the forums and loke it up there are lots of guides. click on search messages and click on copy dvd and it will tell you step by step if yo do not understand then email me at dbja1999@earthlink.net and i will get you a better guid ok

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