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Can I copy my recorded movies from TiVo?

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by osiris010, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. osiris010

    osiris010 Member

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I have countless movies/shows recorded on my TiVo (the thingy that lets u record shows digitally nd pause, rewind nd fast forward live TV)
    I noticed that there is a USB drive in the back. If I put my flash drive in it can I save the movies to it? Then use something like DVD Decryter to convert it to an ISO, then burn it to a DVD so that I can play it in a DVD player?

    I also noticed that in the menu it says "send to VHS". If I record it 2 a VHS, is it possible to hook it up 2 a comp? I kno i can record old records 2 my comp so i think i kan use the same relative set up, i just need a program that would copy it, if there is one...

    I have DVD Decrytor and DVD Shrink, some one w/ TiVo please let me kno wut i kan do

  2. steve7059

    steve7059 Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Tivo records shows in an encrypted .mpg format. The USB port is intended to be used with a USB network adapter to connect to your home network, either wirelessly (if you have a wireless router) or wired (using a cat5 cable to your router). A wired connection will allow you to transfer files faster, but a wireless connection may be easier to set up, depending on your individual situation. USB network adapters are available for around $20 - $30 at most computer suppliers.

    Use the Tivo to go software (available free from Tivo for anyone with an active subscription) to transfer your video files to your PC once you've connected your Tivo to your network. For more info on how to handle the files once you have them on your PC, this site has a lot of good tips:


  3. osiris010

    osiris010 Member

    Feb 19, 2005
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    thanks ill give it a try

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