YOU GUY'S HAVE SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEM... I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU WITHOUT EDITING MY OWN MESSAGE... DOH!!!!! DOESN'T THAT TELL YOU SOMETHING????? GET A LIFE YOU GUY'S.... YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO HELP NOT CRITICIZE. criti[cize 7krit$! sjz#8 vi., vt. -[cized#, -[ciz#[ing 1 to analyze and judge as a critic 2 to judge disapprovingly; find fault (with); censure crit$i[ciz#[able adj. crit$i[ciz#er n. SYN.—criticize, in this comparison, is the general term for finding fault with or disapproving of a person or thing; reprehend suggests sharp or severe disapproval, generally of faults, errors, etc. rather than of persons; blame stresses the fixing of responsibility for an error, fault, etc.; censure implies the expression of severe criticism or disapproval by a person in authority or in a position to pass judgment; condemn and denounce both imply an emphatic pronouncement of blame or guilt, condemn suggesting the rendering of a judicial decision, and denounce, public accusation against persons or their acts —ANT. praise