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WDM capture s-video - Interference/Flicker ONLY on white scenes. Help!

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by Walnut, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Walnut

    Walnut Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    Hi there, I have a really annoying problem--here's the setup.


    Aopen 'Aeolus' ti4200 - WDM 1.08 drivers
    P4 1.8, 1GB RAM


    Sky Digibox RGB -----> RGB to s-video converter -----> s-video in on card

    Now, the picture is fine--it displays perfectly on the PC. However whenever there is a bright white background (think of the intro to The Simpsons with the clouds) I get major flickering, as soon as the white is gone the picture is perfect again. It literally only happens with bright white backgrounds. I've even captured an hour long TV show without any problems as it never had any white scenes but I really want to fix this problem because it's very irritating.

    After running some searches I thought it might be Macrovision but I'm using the 1.08 WDM drivers which are Macro-free, right?

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Does this Flickering Only happen on your PC or does it show up when you Play the Captured files on your TV set??

    I"m thinking it might be an Interlaceing problem but that is all I can think of....

    It wouldn"t be "Macrovision" if you are Captureing From Digital or Satalite TV as they don"t use the Standard Macrovision Signal and the effect would show up through out the whole Capture.....

    Sorry I can"t help More.....

  3. Walnut

    Walnut Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    Hi Minion, thanks for the reply.

    I'll burn one of the captures to DVD and see what happens on playback via the TV.

    Edit: It didn't work, here is the effect I'm getting: [​IMG]

    After watching TV via the capture preview for about an hour last night, it seems the flickering occurs on white backgrounds where there's some motion. The background in the capture above is blue sky with white clouds constantly moving.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2005

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