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dvd player recommendation

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by afan, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. afan

    afan Guest

    I am looking for a DVD Player that will play DVD-R and +R's in different kinds of media e.g. TDK, Fugi, Legacy, etc. Walmart used to sell a Syphonic DVD Player that did this but they are no longer available.

  2. jus2slo

    jus2slo Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    what kind of price range are we looking at? I need a starting point.
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    You could try one of wal-marts cheaper "progressive scan" dvd players. Usually the cheapies play dvd-/+r and rw's better than the fancier high $$ ones. If it don't play your backups,take it back for another model. Usually no questions asked on returns.
    Good Luck
  4. clouser

    clouser Guest

    i have a regent ht500 it plays both +r and -r and vcds as well i paid 125.00 for it at wal-mart its got a built in dts decoder and has a dulby 5.1 package. iv never had a problem with this player it even plays my cheapo media.
  5. afan

    afan Guest

    thanks for the replys. Regarding the question about how much I am will to spend for a dvd player... about $100. The Symphonic player that I bought at Walmart was about $40 and does a great job in playing all kinds of dvd media. Unfortunately, they no longer sell this player and its replacement doesnt play media like maxwell, fugi, TDK etc.

    I will take a look at the Regent HT500.

    Thanks again.
  6. clouser

    clouser Guest

    also look for the lennox ht 500 the regent was a rebadge for wal-mart but they are the same player i know the region hack for this player also .
  7. baron1963

    baron1963 Guest

    check with sony progressive player,and try cyber home,i prefer sony of course.but a cheap player and do all cyber works well(cheap).
  8. ripper72

    ripper72 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    I have several DVD players and the cheapest and best for playing DVD-R, DVD+r's is the samsung PV241 it runs no more than $60 and is progressive scan. This player reads anything. I have some older burns that are on crappy discs and this thing reads them.
  9. ripper72

    ripper72 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    I'd stay away from the Sony's. I have one and it plays most discs. But once in a blue moon it has issues with a disc burnt with x copy plat. It skips from chapter to chapter finishing the disc in about 10 seconds. Now If I take that disc and play it on my samsung toshiba, or Panasonic it plays fine. I like sony products but not their DVD players becasue of that reason. One out of 50 doing that is not worth it. Also if I reburn the backup movie using shrink it works fine.
  10. jacsac

    jacsac Regular member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Wal-mart usually has a Sanyo for $54.

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