Whenever I convert an XviD file to M2V in TMPGenc, the resulting file always has no audio (silence). This doesn't make too much sense to me, because I can hear the audio fine in all my video programs (ex. Windows Media Player) To get around this, I use another program to make a wav file for the audio, and then convert that in TMPGenc to a .mp2. Anyway, I was wondering if there is any way that TMPGenc will read the audio of XviD files, because its a big hassle to do the above every time. I assume I must be missing a codec, but then why does the audio just not work in TMPGenc? Please help! Thanks.
XviD is a video codec. It has absolutly nothing to do with audio. Your problem is most likely with VBR mp3 audio, which is well documented. If you search you should find plenty of info.
I'm having the same problem and the answer lies(in my case at least) with the frequency conversion of 44,100 Khz to 48 Khz. Check this guide http://www.videohelp.com/forum/userguides/197950.php and go to section 4-c Hope it helps!
Thanks for replying - so is there anything I can do for the audio to convert properly in TMPGenc? It seems in the link that it can't.
I've downloaded myself BeSweet and I'm trying to grasp an idea of how to do it. I have even posed a question in the audio forum about it. If I cannot solve it, I'll use VSO DivXtoDVD which solves this problem...
I had the same problem. What I did was to get the sound out of the AVI with virtualdub. Then when you use INFOEDIT to make an DVD at the sound option you browse to the file that virtualdub made(about 1 GB). For me that worked just fine!!
nope, but you did the right thing by converting your sources audio to .wav before encoding with tmpgenc. tmpgenc cannot convert compressed audio properly, sometimes you'll get audio that isnt syncronized with the video or(in your case) you simply wont get audio at all. the only kind of compressed audio that tmpgenc can directly encode is ac3, but only if you install this plug-in:. http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/AC3ACM/AC3ACM.zip if the sources audio is anything other than ac3 then the only way around it is to convert source audio to .wav before encoding with tmpgenc. its not big of a hassle, it only takes around 2mins to convert the audio to .wav with virtualdub.