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The Woes of a Teenage Driver...

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Auslander, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    so, coming home from my girlfriend's house at about 11:15 tonight, i made the sad mistake of "speeding"...while driving, i passed a cop. i suppose he had his radar on, because he immediately threw on his lights. fortunately, i was able to duck in a parking lot and park behind a truck. i turned off my car and never saw his lights flash by again, and after 10 minutes of sitting there, i don't think he ever passed. but i left, and made it home, obeying all the traffic laws on the way. so, i sit here, hoping they're too lazy or busy to review the on-dash video tape of the cop and try to get my license number. a ticket would screw me over... :( so, who else here has been stupid lately?
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    if they were on a side street and you passed by, unless they were remotely close behind you I doubt they got your plate number. If they couldn't find you, the most they could have done was radio other cops to be on the lookout for the make/model/color of your car.

    At 23, I've had 7 speeding tickets, 2 running red light tickets (one was BS, other was from a camera which I talked my way out of). Thats what I get for living in LA. The worst was being pulled over last summer at 3:30 in the morning and managing to talk my way out of getting a DUI. And this was after a night of heavy drinking. Lucky for me I was a block away from home, so I just got a earfull of warnings and was let go.
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    it's a small, relatively short highway i was on; the cop was heading in the opposite direction as me...like i said, i don't think he turned around. there was apparently a fire in that direction, as i saw a fire truck speeding the same way as the cop. for all i know, he got the call at the exact time i was going by him.

    we passed each other with a total speed of at least 135 mph, so there's no way he got the make/model of my car in the dark. only thing i was worried about was that maybe, in the headlights going by, the camera was able to pick out my number. now that i think about it, if they did, it would most likely be a horrible blur, but still...lol, i'm 17...my car would go bye-bye, taken by my dad :( to boot, my girlfriend was sick and i was setting her up for the night right before i left.

    and lol, you better slow yourself, bud...they'll catch ya!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2005
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    djscoop running red lights aint cool.want happens if someone t-bones you and its family or a good freind how you gonna feel and the same with drinking and driving. i would re think your driving habits and cool out because IT WILL catch up with you sooner or later and someone or you might be dead and never see 30
  5. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    well, he's a teacher now...maybe he's matured a little and cooled his jets :)
  6. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    like I said both running red light tix were BS. the first one was for making a right-hand turn at a red light, and I didn't come to a complete stop when I turned. The other one was from a camera mounted in the intersection, and snapped my car as I was passing the intersection. The light wasn't red, and even if it was there wasn't proof of it, as the picture was only of my licence plate. So that one was dismissed. I got most of my speeding tickets when I was a teenager, haven't gotten one in three years. about drinking and driving, you couldn't be more correct. I was lucky to have gotten off, but that by no means says what I did was okay. My good friend actually did get a dui in January, and after watching all the shit she has gone through because of it (licence revoked for 6 months, insurance price tripled, $3500 in fines, 30 AA meetings, mandatory individual & group therapy meetings, visit to the morgue...) none of use drink and drive anymore. We either take a cab or stay home and drink. so yes, you're right. I've made stupid decisions in my life and I am fortunate I am not hurt or in jail because of them. live and learn...
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yes djscoop unfortanley most of us live and learn the hard way . sounds like your on the right track.people just need to think before they act and make common since choices and not just act on emotions.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    my step father had an encounter with a drunken major who was leaving base borden as my step father was going to base borden to work there. the major is now 6ft under the ground, besides the 2 cars totalled, my step father got a broken jaw, wrist, ribs & a collar bone

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