Ok, so i have some 12 episodes(xvid-avi files) i want to put on a dvd so they can play one after the other, the files are about 350mb each. After i used the TMPGE encoder i got one of the episodes to 4 gigs. i followed the steps but is it going to be impossible to fit a bunch of these episodes on a single disc. Is there anyway i can just put the files on dvd and play them on a player? I really need help! Thanks.
Whatcha doin' Lennox? Just burn a data disk of the AVIs onto a DVD. If they are all just there, in the root of the DVD, WMP will load them all and make a playlist of them. If, however, you want to convert them from MPEG4 AVI into DVD or SVCD (MPEG2) or VCD (MPEG1) it's a big job and will require more than 350MB/episode. We have a special 'AVI to DVD' forum dedicated to these conversions: http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/40 Someone there will help you learn to wrestle with TMPGEnc Regards
No, they will playback in WMP For most DVD playback you need a compliant DVD (MPEG2). Converting your AVIs using TMPGEnc, DVDSanta etc. (I use NeroVision Express) will produce files approx. 1500MB/episode. You may get perhaps 3 of these to fit on 1 DVD. What you wish to do is the video-equivalent of burning an audio CD from MP3 files - you get only the quality of the compressed file, but the large filesize of the uncompressed original (worst of both worlds). Follow the many guides available, and discuss any difficulties in AVI to DVD forum. L8R
1.5GB is a huge file (equal to 4-5 hours MPEG4 content). That filesize for 1 episode of your content would be typical for MPEG2 with compressed audio (similar to commercial DVD). I am un-subscribing from your thread now ;^) "We have a special 'AVI to DVD' forum dedicated to these conversions" Good luck to you
Personally i would buy a DVD player with Divx support. They are cheap now and you could get all 12 episodes on one blank DVD at around 4.2GB and the best bit is that there would be no change in quality.