Being able to have a signature is all good. But... I was slighty disapointed not to be able to have an avatat. Apart from that, This site rocks.
The bandwidth that would be used if everybody had an avatar would be a pain in the pocket book of Afterdawn ! This Forum has very little advertising and that is well appreciated by the members ! You can always post with your signature as some do in here !
Gawd , yes avatars are just pictures , nothing more ! Who needs them ~~ Smiles ! ? Among people working on virtual reality and cyberspace interfaces, an "avatar" is an icon or representation of a user in a shared virtual reality. ? An image representing a user in a multi-user virtual reality ; usually on some boards a 102W x 116H pixels picture placed right below each user name in the left column. ? This would mean that each time a page of the Forum would be loaded by a member the server would have to put out 15K of bandwidth for each avatar on that page ! Approx. the equivalent of ½ page of text for each avatar. ? This may look like little drain on the server , but at peak hours where 100's and 100's of members are browsing pages , the effect would be felt by all the members. •I say let's keep this Forum as it is ; little advertising and a smooth loading almost 90% of the time. Of course ""dRD"" , the owner has the last words on these matter !
thanks for clarifying Jeanc1, was just curious. if thats all they are then I think having regular pics in your post is just as good. I agree, the forums are finally running smoothly again, the last thing we need to do is try and slow them down.
Due to the fact that AD uses custom software the time and effort involved in making avatars available is simply not worth it considering the facts that we can use our sigs for that purpose and the the Admins already have a very long "to do" list of improvements as it is