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Looks like a Mod, acts like a Mod, smells like a Mod....Must be a Mod

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by sadsac, Mar 20, 2005.

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  1. sadsac

    sadsac Guest

    This one's for all the Newbies who've had the smack laid down on them by some dumbassed WANNA BE MOD.

    At times, to be funny, I'll bash somebody for doing stupid shit on the forums. But considering some of the dumb-assed questions I've read recently, these people deserve it. And if I could make a nickel for every time I see a typing, grammar, or spelling error, I'd be a rich man. Hell, some of the jibberish shit I read at times doesn't even closely resemble the English language. At times, I wonder if Lightning-UK can develop a program to decrypt the encoded posts I'm reading.

    But the people who REALLY get on my nerves lately are the WANNA BE MODs. Every day I get on here to read the forums, and every day I see post after post from MOD IMPERSONATORS. You know who you are. For now, I won't mention any names. It seems like the few people I'm thinking of NEVER reply with any inkling help to those in need of it. Every post I see from the few I'm thinking of is a post that should have been made by a moderator in the first place, followed by NO HELP.

    But why? Why must you people play make-believe? I have been shot down by REAL mods in the past and I deserved it. But what is YOUR purpose? Are you people trying to gain some recognition from someone in authority here? Are you people BUCKING for a Mod position? Are you people just trying to be funny? Maybe you're just trying to be pricks. I may never understand your reasoning. I mean, part of the job of a Mod is to HELP.

    If I need correction, I'll gladly take shit from real mods. If I get shot down by one, I'll hide in the corner for a few minutes, lick my wounds, then correct myself accordingly.

    I'm not saying we can't continue to smite down those who have no business asking their stupid questions. I'm not saying we can't continue to bitch slap the apparently illiterate shitheads that come on here and get on our nerves with their senseless jibberish. I'm not even saying we shouldn't give a little positive encouragement to the new people that come on here.

    But for you people........You WANNA BEs......whatever your reasoning.......

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2005
  2. car1ef

    car1ef Member

    Dec 31, 2004
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    HERE HERE, being mod is hard enough (I know, I am one on a couple of other sites) without having even a handful of people trying to undermine their position (whether intentionally or not)...

    I know that I am a smart a$$ from time to time (to hear my wife tell it all the time), but being a smart a$$ and pretending to be a mod are two different things!

    For all the real moderators out there: Keep up the good work!!!

  3. sadsac

    sadsac Guest

    Here are a few wanna-be posts. Not naming the authors:

    What help was that? I'm sure everyone who has ever been on the internet knows how to use a search function. Well.........then again, judging from some of the posts I see on here, maybe they don't.

    This, from a non-mod???

    Time after time......same response.

    Not again!!!!!
  4. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Let me talk in code here if I may since its the safety valve:

    If I wanted to be a mini mod, I would be no help me, and I would not get mad since I'm not greek and I wouldn't balable the point. I'm just going to watch a bunch of "movies" now!

    And still more I see, sub,car,tah,mis, will it ever end?

    Have a great day! :)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2005
  5. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    First comment, many thanks to the actual mods on here. The 2 I see the most are Nephilim and Flip218 who both do an excellent job as our police force.

    When you have a forum with as many members as this one does you will see all types of people. Most are the normal, helpful type that are an asset to the overall forum. Then there are the ones with nothing to add so most comments are useless and in some cases the type posts like above in the first statement. I don't know what exactly they are trying to do but I guess they just want to be noticed. Any time I post the rules to new members, I try to do so as a SUGGESTION. They can take it or leave it as such. If the rules continue to be bent or broken after that I pass the information on to the Mods and let them handle it. It's not up to me or any other regular member to enforce the forum rules.
    You are correct that there are many WANNA BEE mods out there, but its up the the real mods to correct them also. If you see a post that bothers you, use the REPORT OFFENSIVE POST feature or PM one of the mods directly and explain your feelings. I'm sure they will have no problem with that.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2005
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    to be a mod here, you have to be nominated by other mods but the final decision is upto to drd. i've pissed off a couple of mods with my famous saying "R.T.F.M.D." (Read.The.F**king.Manual.Dummy.). even a member suggested i should be a mod because of how helpful i am to other members. yes there some people here who might be doing a power play here but they are being watched by the mods & other members & they'll be here a somewhat short time just to get a "status symbol" that they can tell their friends of their rank & helpfulness but in the meantime are full of crap. as long as you have not done anything wrong by the rules & this individual(s) are not mods than pm the mods about individual(s)
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    to me, if you see a member or newbie or whatnot breaking the rules, it never hurts to drop them a friendly warning or suggestion about their mistake. with all the work the mods do around here, i figure it might save them some time if they don't have to worry with such little piddly sh*t that is normally just an honest mistake. i don't go around, telling people left and right what to do, pretending i have the authority of a mod, but i do try to help with all the aspects of this forum, not just the technological. to quote that pretty cool guy ddp, "teach and learn."
  8. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    I think there are many of us here who enjoy helping people with their inquiries and problems. And I am more than happy to call out people when they do something wrong. I constantly post a reply to someone who has posted in a wrong forum, or to someone who has asked a generic question like "how do I add a pic in my sig" because if you let stuff like that go the forum would get out of hand. The mods we have here are excellent. I see flip and Neph dealing with people every day, and they do a great job of keeping the piece. But that doesn't mean that they don't need help to explain the forum every now and then. Things like "post in the right forum, provided by the link", or someone asking for a crack and referring them to the forum rules.

    As others have said, yes there are people here who just like to yell at newbies for the power trip, but there are also people who actually help out the mods here by pointing newbies in the right direction to help keep the forum in shape.
  9. sadsac

    sadsac Guest

    As I said before, I agree with a little positive encouragement. I even agree with bitch slapping the obviously ignorant!

    But it's the power trippers I'm calling out! They know their names. I don't have to post sigs.

    I'm more concerned with getting the piece than keeping it.

  10. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Let me preface this to all who read these posts that with a simple search, we can see who Sadsac is referring to in his comments; one actual member here and one made up member called mini_mod. That actual member does usually respond well to questions asked and has always seemed helpful to others. I have also seen posts on threads where he has stated double postings and try the guides, but that’s only on occasion. On the other hand I’ve seen more harm done by smart ass remarks from several members here; most of them are all the same person, just using different names. So here goes:

    First you say, Sadsac:

    Then you go on to say:

    So its bad to play mod but its good to play bumhole to the newbies and bash them for doing stupid shit or asking stupid questions and funny to whom, I’m sure not the person that posted the question or made a statement! Its like calling little Johnny fat or stupid in grade school for your own pleasure. NOT FUNNY!

    And you continue:

    and better yet;

    I’m glad that one of the life long questions has finally been answered; we have finally found GOD right here on aD with all his infinite wisdom!


    Yea, that was a helpful comment to the Newbie from Bombay! That answered his question perfectly!

    Since not all 300,000 plus aD forum members are English speaking members, and since they come from countries across the world, and since most just speak and write in their native tongue, are you saying shame on them for not knowing English like the back of their hand? Now you sound like George Bush, with his “Project for the New American Century” attitude of world domination to the US way of life. (http://www.newamericancentury.org/).

    That was the Question of all questions so I’ll ask it of you:

    Why must you play make-believe?

    Why must you be rude?

    Why do you need so much attention?

    And best of all; what is YOUR purpose behind this charade?


    My closing statement reads as follows and to quote a familiar phrase;

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  11. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I have a Masters Degree and am not above making a typo, asking a pointless question, and in my eagerness to help give a useless answer. Are we all to be verbally abused because we are human. Most of the people who come to this forum as newbies are having the same newbie problems and are seeking help, not spelling/grammar lessons, that is not the purpose of this forum. It is discourteous to bring up something that maybe a difficulty to this person.

    I have only told a person to do a search once because the answer to their question was five posts below them...and that person was mini_mod, what a blistering answer I got back, seems mini_mod speaks out of both sides of their mouth


    As for the real mods thank god they do this job, it can't be easy.

    Sorry had to edit that typo.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  12. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Hey, I found a typo... ;) J/K!

    BTW, nice statement Scuba...I'll be the first to say, that I have sent someone to the forum and even mentioned about forum rules. This is not the case about trying to be a mod, I just like to help. Even if my answers aren't really that solid. For me, it sucks when someone does something that they could have prevented and gets banned...knowone really wants to see that happen, at least...I hope. So, I can personally say that I try to help out those who aren't helping themselves.

    Please, I am sure that if I did a double post or I said something that I shouldn't have said, I wouldn't care if the person was a MOD, Junior Member, or Senior Member, I would have appreciated the fact that they spoke to me with respect in saying to read the forum rules or something to that effect.

    In the famous words of a particular member, who I can't remember for the life of me, but see the comment alot:

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  13. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    That was actually me, but ddp gets credit for that all the time. I just don't understand it! <g> Just kidding ddp. :)

    [bold]It's a great saying that ddp uses when appropriate. Teach and Learn.[/bold]
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  14. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Well, I give credit to the both of you...cause that is what we are here for....teach and learn.

  15. sadsac

    sadsac Guest

    I'm not referring to simple mistakes, bud! Look at this post (the very same thread you referred to):

    Well, Mr. Bleeding Heart.......decrypt that and please tell me what the hell he's asking or talking about! Or should I say, "dyrcpt dat n' plz tel i wut de hell him's talkn bout!"

    If you'll just decypher that and fill me in on his question, maybe I can answer. Maybe my answer should be encoded also. "jilbest del langhorin jumabana quin les min etes del". Do you think that answered him? Makes about as much sense as his question!

    Glad to be watching in on you. My omnipotence scares me at times!

    Nope. Not at all saying that. If they wrote in their native tongue, it would make sense to them and anyone else who spoke their language. I'm pretty sure that the last time I checked, Jibberish wasn't a language in and of itself!

    Here's another example:
    Maybe we should all just hold hands and sing kum-ba-yah N'SHIT while you tutor him in English!

    Why did you name all those people? Only one of them (2 including myself) have posted to this thread. Do you think I'm all those people? If so, you're mistaken.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2005
  16. sadsac

    sadsac Guest

    Furthermore, I'm not saying every now and then, why not give a little encouragement on how to navigate these forums. What I am saying is, why do certain people on here do the same thing day in and day out, constantly correcting newbies and non-newbies alike for HONEST mistakes?

    That's the job of the mods. Time and time again, I see the same people posting the same types of messages, followed by nothing. They don't even try to help out.

    Hell, if people did a search for every question they have when they first come on here, what would be left? There would be about 2 messages on this forum. There would be nothing left to talk about. All quetions would be answered! We'd all just visit the archives and we'd all have our questions answered. We wouldn't have to post messages and questions anymore. Then, we'd all just stop coming here because there would be nothing left to answer. I've been coming here for a while, and I do see the same questions repeated, but for the most part I give valid responses to them. I at least try to help out.

    How many new and original questions have you read in the past month? I'm not saying anything bad about this website. I enjoy coming here and seeking/giving help. And most members freely give the knowledge they have learned. But there are several members who only want to pretend to be mods, rarely giving any help at all to those seeking it. You only need to keep your eyes open to see.

    If you can't see what I'm talking about, I'll leave you with this original idea:

    [bold]DO A SEARCH[/bold]
  17. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    sadsac, madgreek, and the rest, if the shoe fits, wear it!

    Its not your place to condemn anyone here, period! If it bothers you, then don't post. If you can't understand what they are saying, then don't blame your low IQ on them, just don't post. It's amazing how this forum ever made it without you. I believe that mommy must of told you too many times what a wonder little man you were, and you actually believed her. Maybe someday when you become a man, you can let things slide, but until then, others will be around to keep you in your place. Now go play with your other names and have fun!
  18. spacedust

    spacedust Regular member

    Jan 31, 2005
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    Scubabud I agree with you 100%.
  19. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    hell yeah scubabud, well said indeed!
    That is not true, because things change all the time and movies are coming out with new encryptions that are uncrackable for a day or so (sometimes not even) but not everyone finds out about this that first day.

    I must say that I always search before posting, although sometimes I can't find the answer but I know I have seen it before, so I'll start a new thread but I will let everyone know I at least tried to search for it. I am a senior member now and I didn't get there by posting questions that everyone else answered 10 million times, I got there by helping people out (at least I think I'm helping people out). The only time I start a thread anymore is pretty much here in the safety valve to blow off steam from the repetitive questions or the people who are extremely rude. That's one of the best things about this site, people are generally very helpful here, unlike many other sites.

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  20. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    WOW .... Where to start.

    First, alot of "newbies" on the forum don't use the search function. It's amazing how many similar threads are started.

    Second, double posting ... It is against the forum rules. And you have to remember all of us are here on our free time. Here because we enjoy aD and enjoy helping others. It's frustrating answering and helping someone and then go through other threads to find the same person getting the same help and advice in another thread.

    I myself don't mind members pointing out the rules ... most do it in a friendly manner and like Jerry said as a suggestion. And I'm thankful the members use the "report an offensive post" as much as they do ... it makes things easier.


    I'm not sure what purpose you had in mind when you started this thread, but it really had the potential to get out of hand. If you see a problem w/ another member do what others do report it or PM a mod.

    Now, I just want to say "Great job" to all of our members who continue to answer threads they've answered a hundered time already in the past :)

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