I use the coaxial cable from the dvd player to the reciever, (chan 2) and S-vid cable from dvd player, (Sayno) to the recorder, (ilo 404). Since I have an older tv, I have one of those modulator boxes, and I take another S-video cable from the ilo to the modulator box to watch on tv...I used the firmware to get the 3hr mode, but does that take out the digital dolby, and just use regular 2 channel stereo? Thx for any replies...
I believe Dvd recorders currently do not themselves record in DD surround. The audio inputs are analog, so the DVD records in 2 channel anyways. If you have a receiver, it should be able to re-process the signal into 5.1 or 6.1. I don't know the effects that using the 3 hr mode has on sound, but until sometime 2005, recorders themselves only record in 2 channel. Here's a link about it: http://hometheater.about.com/od/dvdrecorderfaqs/f/dvdrecgfaq11.htm