I just got the above software, and I have already encoded a divx movie. My question is: When converting an xvid movie, do I just add all the movie files to the source list. Or do I have to do them one at a time,and put the files together when I go to burn?
Well actually you have decoded a DivX movie. You have encoded a DVD ;^) Jamfu is this a trick question!? When converting an XviD, there is only 1 file - the XviD. 1 XVID = 1 DVD Huh? How many movies do you wish to put on 1 compliant DVD? Hollywood can't even fit 1 - they require mostly dual-layer DVDs. Just remember, 1 AVI = 1 DVD L8R
Oh ic, I was asking the question because when I check the torrent I am getting, there are multiple .rar files. Is there anything special i need to know about decoding those once I extract those files. Thanks for your help. jamfu