I've been running across a lot of .bin images with corrupted files (crc errors) in them. Usually just one or two files inside the .bin. It's my understanding that this happens during the download process. Is there a program that will open up and .bin files and let you import and export files to it? I would much rather be able to fix a 700MB .bin then spend hours downloading it AGAIN. I've downloaded some .bin files 3-4 times before getting a good dl of it. I just want to be able to edit files in a .bin and save the new .bin. Any ideas?
Open the .BIN with ISOBUSTER. Then extract all files on your HD. You'll receive errors on the files that lies in corrupted sectors of the .BIN. Then replace the files with good ones (if you can find them) then burn all the files you obtained in a CD, keeping the same drecory structure and CD Volume ame than before. This will work ONLY for PC CDs and ONLY if there is no copy protection. And probably the CD will not boot.