OK I have one movie it is John MAyall 70th birthday celebration (great concert) I use decrypter to rip it to hard drive. All ok, when in shrink decoding it I get this Error: DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Programming Error Exception Occurred ! Only movie it has ever done that to me before. I have tried it before no luck all other movies may have had probs with crc error while decrypter had it but no probs ever with shrink.
zenarrrow, This might help. Below is the error code section of Shrink and the work arounds. You might try uninstalling Shrink > rebooting 2X > and then re-installing Shrink. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45259
zen, Here is where Car.Mike wants you to go ~> http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48842