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Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by indienemo, Apr 18, 2005.

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  1. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Hi, anyone here play Runescape? I'm lvl 40 atm, and looking to start a clan anyway this is the (only?!) runescape thread to be in, lol.
  2. Ag3ntNe0

    Ag3ntNe0 Guest

    OMG runescape is so shitty. Go back and listen to daughters.
  3. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    That post was shitty. Why would you post something so un-neccasary?
  4. Ag3ntNe0

    Ag3ntNe0 Guest

    Sorry but I felt that you needed a response from someone seeing that runescape is such a waste of time to talk about. Sorry for "shitty" post if that helps your attitude about rune.
  5. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    umm.yeah, whatever you say dude. I'll talk about whatever I want thanks seeing as this is "Safety Valve".
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  7. CJC

    CJC Regular member

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    GoGo Neph.

    Dont piss off Neph or u will be "Inactive' instead of 'Junior Member' or 'Member'

  8. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Thanks Neph, I come to this place to speak my mind and have fun not to have my chain yanked by some insolent noob who has nothing better to do than flame senior site members to make a name for himself.
  9. sljusevi

    sljusevi Guest

    you indienemo no offence but inest runscape for like 8 year old kids?
    at least in sweden it is. so how old are you?
  10. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    It can be for any age: like any computer game (believe it or not :O). However I'm 17.
  11. sljusevi

    sljusevi Guest

    ok thats cool people can play whatever they like.
    were do you live if you live in america isent the cloock like 5 in the morning or something. i live in sweden so for me its 12:20 right now
  12. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Yeah great game...

    I posted that at 1pm... ps your sigs pic doesnt load
  13. Ag3ntNe0

    Ag3ntNe0 Guest

    OK ppl you got me Ill keep my pie hole shut. I would rather my rank be "member" than "inactive". But runescape really is shit tho. Go play Xiah or WOW and stop wastin ur time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
  14. sljusevi

    sljusevi Guest

    does it cost anything to play runscape?
  15. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    AgentNeo just fusk off ok ur not wanted here.

    Yep, Runescape is free, buy you can become a member for just $5 a month with holds certain priviledges...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
  16. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ Ag3ntNe0

    I warned you to knock it off but you just had to keep it up. Bye bye.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2005
  17. agentne0

    agentne0 Guest

    I tell a guy to stop wastin his time with a game and go play some better ones and I get banned? WTF! Thats not against any rules! Language isnt in any of the rules. Opinions arent in any of the rules. But a moderator using his authority to the fullest just makes it "appear" in the forum rules huh?
  18. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    You were a prick about it and you continued after I told you to knock it off. Abusing other members isn't tolerated whether it's written out or not. It takes a little thing called common sense to understand that.

    There's a link to the forum rules in my sig - look at #6.

    This is your original post I saw that you made at 11:45 and I was fine with it:

    Then 18 minutes later at 12:03 you added this:

    That's what got you banned. You appeared sincere with the first part but then you had to add a cheap jab after I told you to drop it. Then you rejoin just to bitch and gripe at me over a stupid move you made on your part. If you'd rejoined having learned your lesson I'd let you stay but you obviously haven't so bye bye again.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2005
  19. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ indienemo

    Feel free to start another Runescape thread. This one's useless at this point and I'm closing it.
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