bbmayo............. Back!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by bbmayo, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    To all at After Dawn,
    I am sad to inform you all that I will be leaving AD. Let’s just say it really isn’t worth the headaches anymore. I am just so tired of having to justify every little post to certain people who seem to want to be the only one’s here who know everything there is to know about everything. It’s like some people are here for a popularity contest instead of here to help each other out? I have thought about this over the last couple of days, and it is actually hard for me to leave here, but some people seem to need it more than I do so I will bow out gracefully. I am afraid if I don’t I could just explode! I was just not going to post anymore and let that be the end of it, but I figured I would say bye to the friends I have made here (if any) . I always enjoyed everyone’s comments here, and have enjoyed helping a lot of people out here. I know I have pissed some people off along the way, but I believe I helped out a lot more than I pissed off. I already wrote more on this subject than I intended to so let me leave you all with this. Thank you for all the wonderful times I have enjoyed you all, and thank you for all the help and guidance along the way it has been real..

    Take care all,
    Bbmayo,,,, Out

    P.S. I will leave my website up for one more week for any one who may want to print out any of the guides.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    hell man, ignore the idiots as i do & i hope i'm not on your bad list? take a break for a while but still keep a view to see if things are changing hopefully for the better!!!
  3. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    bbmayo, I have always read your posts, with great interest. You have helped many people. Take a short time, off, if it is getting to you, and come back. There are folks who frequent these forums, who need your help.
  4. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    I have learned a lot from you man, thanks for all the help. I hope you pop in and say hi every now and then. You'll be missed!
  5. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    you are definitely at the TOP of my list, only you and neph would i even consider to be "friends" on AD, there are quite a few other people that have been extremely helpful on here as well, but, few with your knowledge and kindness in assisting ME with my problems.

    i'd hate to see you leave, but, if that is the decision you have made after a few days of thought, i am in no position to argue with you, do what you must do for YOURSELF and for your well being.

    i just wanted to thank you personally if you do decide to be gone, before i no longer have the chance to :( i wish you the very best in everything you do and appreciate the kind words you have left with me when i first became a member here on AD. you will be missed. take care of yourself :)

  6. azmunch

    azmunch Guest

    actually your posts have matured quite a bit since you've joined.
    I can't remember how many times I saw you post "read my guide" when it had nothing to do with the problem at hand....
    my favorite was when you got furious over your cheap media and found out after emailing TY that they were indeed fakes.... wow you looked like such an ass on that
    but they have come a long way from then.....
  7. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    well with bbmayo leaving i'll have to change the prizes for the AD PEOPLE CHOICE AWARDS.gEE THANKS ALOT mayo
  8. thugs121

    thugs121 Regular member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Your friendliness, knowledge, and effort will not be forgotten. Your guides are the best! Your guides made my life a lot easier, thanks to you. I'm sure a lot of noobs can't argue that...
  9. wolfniggr

    wolfniggr Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I'll PM you instead.

    azmunch, your a douche bag.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2005
  10. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    I hope you will reconsider mayo your knowledge and experience are invaluable,dont let the trolls and the wannabe mods drive you out. I have always valued your advice and opinions i personally dont post at afterdawn, due to a few of the complete p****s that seem to be around here and i applaud all the hard work the mods do here you have to have the patience of a saint. If you do decide to leave then i wish u all the best wherever you go and peace out take care.

    Regards Doofy.
  11. trock0002

    trock0002 Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    You are one of the reasons I am still marked as a "newbie". Because of my ability to search I was able to find your posts and guides and learn so much. That little guy in the top hat became an icon in my searches. Hope you stick around.

  12. bigdave76

    bigdave76 Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    well bbmayo i just want to let you know im a newbie here and you and yr guides helped me out alot without doing hardly any posting i just wanna thank you for yr help and the hell with the other ppl that made you mad well i hope to see ya back on here sometime thanks and and good luck
  13. LABOY

    LABOY Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    BBMAYO...many, many thanks!

    I have followed your advice and counsel for a long time and found it to be well thought out and sound. I think you will find out that there is a silent majority in the forum who know who is "right on" and who is "blowing smoke". Please stick around longer, AD needs people like you. You have done so much and with evolving technology, and as changes and challenges come (and they will), AD needs your inventiveness to get us over the future humps. You have left a good legacy for others to follow, but there is a need for you in the future. Give it a second thought!
  14. Manu_DVD

    Manu_DVD Guest

    Goodluck bbmayo and many thanks for your input on CD printing, covers etc..

    You are right about some members been here for a popularity contest though, sad as that seems..

  15. nohelpme

    nohelpme Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    bbmayo is so right. I don't post as much either. Its sad becuase we are all here to help each other out on various technical issues. You post something then somone comes along and makes a personal attack on you. Some things people say are out right nasty. There is no professional curtosey in anyway. Then we have the raw newbies who come on here any want to learn how to hack and load warez on computers from the net. Give me a break. Then you get the people who rent the latest dvd from blockbuster looking on how to copy it and think there is this new encryption technique on there and they end up starting a panic. The same thing happens every tuesday and it ignights all these false alarms. Sad so sad. Mayo... hope you change your mind my friend. We will miss you.
  16. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    i opened my account here feb 27 2004 and am still only a member because i choose not to post much because of this long time problem here at aD . this goes back to when dela stepped down . i can tell ya not much has changed around here since than . i understand where you are coming from bbmayo . if it isnt someone attacking someone its someone filling threads with useless posts and starting multi threads ranting and raving about everything under the sun just to help their post count . its a hostile environment . i dont care if i remain only a member forever because i had been lurking here long before feb 27 2004 . i personally could help a lot of others but choose not to because of people trying to discredit what i say and the personal attacks . bbmayo you could do as i do and stick around . i really hate to see you go . but if its what is in your best interest to not deal with all the BS around here i understand .

    this really is a sad day for aD in my opinion .
  17. freedom2

    freedom2 Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    thanks again for all your help here.....your guides are top

    Afterdawn is a great place to be, i aswell understand your
    issue, i look at the threads sometimes and say "well guess i won't
    reply to that either" but i still read a lot............

    good day to all........
  18. retro78

    retro78 Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    'BBMAYO', I'm sad to hear that you are leaving AD, I hope i wasn't part of the problem !
    I always laughed at your responses in the safety valve!
    I understand your reasons for leaving, but why don't you reregister as a NOOb, so no others will bug you, but we'll keep ya around !!!

    but if this is your final goodbuy, then so be it !! i wish you all the best and
    "All the pleasurable exitements one could have, without hurting others, and one's own dignity !"

  19. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    mayo. I agree with ddp and grampawbw, take some time off but please don't quit altogether. You have been one of the most helpful people on this site in my opinion. I think it probably just got to you because you are on here too much. You moved up the ranks pretty damn quick if I'm not mistaken. I know it's tough to deal with at times, like when you check your email and have pages of email from afterdawn, but so many people benefit from having you around. So many people have the link to your guides in their sigs (me included) and I'm always reading "Wow, that guide really helped out!"

    So we need you here, don't quit.
  20. Mr_Taz_UK

    Mr_Taz_UK Regular member

    Mar 9, 2004
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    I hope you are following this thread, and really do hope that you dont quit. It's people like you that keep this place sane. Your help, experience, and patience, will not have gone un-noticed.

    I too have cut back alot with my posting because of the kind of issues you are describing. Yes, there are a lot of tossers out there, but I like to think that they are greatly out numbered by those who are genuinely seeking, and greatfull for your our help and support.

    You have obviously invested a great deal of time and effort both on here, and in your guides. It would be a great loss if you were to take them from those who need them because of the actions of those who do not appreciate just how much time, effort and cost it takes to create, maintain and host them.

    I sincerely hope you change your mind, and should you ever feel the need to let of some steam, come and join us on IRC (address in my sig) You will find that you are not alone.

    Wishing you the very best in whatever you choose is right for you.


    [bold]@azmunch - people like you are the reason why so many regular users are backing away, GROW UP MAN !![/bold]
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2005

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