Hello, I have about 900 MP3's that I want to burn in a specific order. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, JD
YES there is and oh boy are you going to have fun. You will need to rename each track.Put 001, 002,003,004 etc infront of each track and then they will burn in the order that you pick
If it's because you want to play them in that order, why don't you just create a playlist or a couple of playlists (just small text files listing the mp3s) and save onto the CD-R?
It should. I have an old iRiver mp3 player, and I just pick out a mp3 or a playlist. If you pick playlist (which you can have many), it will play the songs you list in that order). You have a CD rewritable? You can always test. Or just look at your player manual. It's alot better than just ordering them during burning because you can have several playlists for different moods - pop, rock, rap, 80s music, 90s music, etc.)
DogBomb, if you burn a playlist onto the cd, will the player recognize it as a folder with just the selected tracks in that folder? I've been trying to organize songs into folders and burn them so I can play them on my Pioneer. I want to be able to select a folder and play just what's in that folder, but have several folders on the disc. So far I've had three discs that play 2 of my three folders and only some of the songs in those folders. The folders don't even display as number 1,2, etc. They show up as folders 2 and 6 or 3 and 8....just kind of random. The song within those folders are the same way, just kind of random numbers. What is in between the song files that the player recognizes as a track, but can't play? I've tried all mp3, all wma and a mixed format and get the same results. I've tried HighMAT and just data cd and still the same result. I've got plenty of coasters now if nothing else!
what did you burn it to disc with.Nero for example will put them in its alphabetically format which isnt much help to any one.I have found by putting the numbers before the discs that you can achieve your goal
I tried Media Player 10, MusicMatch 10, RecordNow and, yes, Nero 6.0. That is rather annoying that it changes the order, but the numbering did work - thanks.