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Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by 1banshee1, May 17, 2005.

  1. 1banshee1

    1banshee1 Guest

    I would just like someone to clarify whether or not I can use Dazzle DVD like I would use TMPGenc DVD author or is the Dazzle DVD more for video cameras, (ie converting the actual film into a file on PC). I got all excited about using it after reading really good reports but when I tried it, expecting it to be like TMPGenc DVD it's rather different!.

    I just need a simple, but cheap, dvd authoring programme to seperate different episodes of a programme onto the one dvd, with menus, chapters etc.

    Hope that this made sense!!!!

  2. mj013

    mj013 Guest

    1banshee1- You might be able to get an upgrade at www.DVDcre8.com.
    The Dazzle co. was purchased by Pinnicle and believe me they are
    about NO help. The thing about Dazzle DVD is there are minimal
    editing tools. You really have to play with it to get what you
    want. Try searching google for a free editing tool.
    By the way, did you happen to check your product software for any help? I'm not trying to be smarty pants. I know that I've been asked
    this ques. before and was surprised and embaressed.
  3. T_Outlaw

    T_Outlaw Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    1banshee1.... Normally I don't answer a query, however, I hate to see someone start off in the wrong direction. The Dazzle product is not a great conversion tool. The ending clarity is not the greatest. Dazzle can be used within itself. In other words, you can end up with an end product. The best way to convert the download is to use Ulead DVD MovieFactory. I found it was fair in taking analog movie camera footage and converting into a movie complete with titles and chapters. But in today's world this is now mundane. Since leaving all that behind, and I must agree with MJ013 that Pinnacle who bought the rights to Dazzle doesn't do "anything" to help past purchasers of Dazzle. If you will read the threads both on Afterdawn and CDFreaks of the programs, many freeware, which can and will do what you want. It will be a slow process in learning, but I assure you the final results will be worth it.

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