I have several divx files that have audio levels all over the place. I have to raise my volume ridiculous amounts to hear dialogue and would love it if someone could turn me onto a program that can normalize the audio in all of my divx files. Thanks in advance.
Well you could demux the mp3 audio with VirtualDubMod or similar, run them all through mp3gain and then remux with fuse. Not sure how you would go remuxing with subs and other advanced divx content though.
Yes, you could do it just like that - demux the audio and adjust the volume, then re-mux with Nandub. You know it will be re-muxed properly, interleaved at every 1 video frame. (If the file grows a bit bigger, you know it needed doing anyway.) You can also make sure it's perfectly timed. Other than that it's foolproof, but just a giant chore :^( Some AVIs have MP3 but some have AC3 audio. There is the AC3Filter trick, applying the 'loud' preset for playback, to bring most AC3 AVIs up to the volume considered 'normal'. Hey, I can teach you to make perfect audio-video interleaves in the first place - but fixing other peoples low-quality product is a crappy job... LoL But it can be done. MP3Gain, you say, d?
Don't think that AC3 in DivX media files is allowed, but then there really isn't that much info over at DivX labs.
Sure AC3 works fine in avi and DivX being based on avi it should work fine as well, I am just not sure if it is allowed under ths specs.
You mean for standalones, Archos or whatever? Dunno (not my problem) but probably not, buddy was asking how to convert AC3 to MP3 I think for that reason... But you would think that any standalone player that played DVDs and MPEG4 would do AC3 (it is in the DVD standard), however the Archos don't play DVD and therefore don't like AC3? Backing-up to Archos is then one thing but downloading AVIs becomes fraught with peril for Archos guys ;^( Oh well, L8R
Hi, I have some DivX / XviD files where I want to change the audio volume, too. I want to use Nandub. Can I do it that way: 1. file --> save wav... (change ending to mp3) 2. then use mp3gain to adjust volume; 3. then Nandub again: audio --> (vbr)mp3 audio and select the changed mp3 file and save the file (using: video + audio --> direct stream copy with Nandub all the time)