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NRG Files settings for VCDs?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by JK688, Jan 20, 2003.

  1. JK688

    JK688 Guest

    I've got an NRG file that I want to burn into a CD, and all I've produced now are five coasters. I tried "Mode 2" / 2352, since that's supposed to be the correct format. I get the message "Block size and Image size do not match - Ignore or Correct?" - I tried both, and I tried both in Mode 1, too (once with RAW data), but nothing, just coasters.

    Now I know the file is valid because Isobuster shows the content just fine. Of course, I can just extract the MPEG data and burn my own VCD (that won't give me the menues and stuff, though), but I hate it if something doesn't work the way it's supposed to be... so is there any way to find out the correct settings?
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Yes, MODE2/XA is the right choice. The standard for VCD images is MODE 2 (more precisely, its layout contains MODE2 Form 2 Video data - 2336 bytes/sector - interleaved with MODE2 Form 1 Data - 2048 bytes/sector - for system files).

    I really no not know why Nero asks you to correct data, since all such information should be in the .NRG header (usually Nero tries to correct ISOs, not .NRG files). Maybe the image is corrupted? Some bytes missing at the end of the file?

    Tell me: what does Nero show after loading the Image? (go to INFO screen before burning). Nero should show two or more MODE2/XA Tracks (one for the system files, the other for the videos) plus N (optional) Audio tracks.

    If Nero does not show that, you'll burn coasters.

    ******** HOW ISOBUSTER CAN HELP **********

    Note: Isobuster will not detect if the .NRG is corrupted unless you extract all the stuff on the HD.

    More, you cannot trust Isobuster in this case, because VCD are Multi-tracks and Isobuster is not capable to deal with Images having multiple tracks unless you give him a clue (that is a .CUE) telling him where tracks start.

    If fou try to extract VIDEO (Open the image, right-click Track1, Choose 'Extract Track1--->Treat as VIDEO Only') Isobuster will merge all MPG you had in the image into one big Track01.mpg file.

    Luckily, you can extract Video data using Isobuster because VCD has the standard folder MPEGAV (1st Track, open the red or, even better, the blue folder since this folder allows long filenames) that points to the same .MPG files. The movies are addressed in the AVSEQnn.DAT files. They coincide 1-1 with the .MPG included in Track 2 and so on, that is AVSEQ01.DAT = 1st .MPG (Track02) Mode2Form2
    AVSEQ02.DAT = 2nd .MPG (Track03) Mode2Form2
    so if you extract and rename them you'll have all yout mpegs.

    You can now re-create the VCD, that is create Menus and other stuff with Nero. Select 'New', then 'Video CD'. Drag all MPEGs you extracted using Isobuster in the bottom window and choose the option Menu-> Enable Menu in the 'Burn' window.

    Customize it and Burn. MODE2/XA will be already selected by default.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2003
  3. JK688

    JK688 Guest

    Thanks for the info! Ah, there's the problem - the info screen just shows a single Mode2/XA track.

    Do you think it's the Nero version I'm using? It's like two years old ( I guess that's the problem, because when I wanted to enable Menues for the VCD, I couldn't find the option, so when I looked around in the Nero help file, I found the following bit:

    "(S)VCDs support things like Karaoke and Menues, but Nero doesn't support them yet. Nero just takes a list with MPEG- or picture files and writes them on a CD in such a way that playback begins with the first file. You can switch between the tracks with the forward- and back options on your player."

    So I guess since my NRG file contains stuff like menues, Nero gets all confused and doesn't write the tracks the way it's supposed to.
  4. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    I have version and it works pretty well. Now they reached

    Upgrade it and check as I told you.

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