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TV tuner capture

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by TCBRUNO, Jun 3, 2005.


    TCBRUNO Guest

    I'm new to afterdawn and want to voice my appreciation to all who have contributed.

    Although I have successfully captured [Angel/Dell tuner/card] TV shows [video and sound] with MS Media Center [dvr-ms], I wanted to capture an AVI with MS Movie Maker, but I end up with video, but no sound. Any ideas would be appreciated. - Tom

    TCBRUNO Guest

    I figured-it-out over the weekend that when you capture through the TV tuner that the tuner is not only the video source but also your audio source. The capture of my home movie was fine.

    Thank you to all who read and considered answering my question. - Tom
  3. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Glad you figured it out. Most of us consider MCE the devil's work ;)

    TCBRUNO Guest

    Thanks for the comment, rebootjim. I was itching to accomplish something with my new computer. Once I'm comfortable with what I already have, I will follow the consensus-view here at afterdawn; this is a wonderful forum for frank opinions and generally unbiased information. - Tom

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