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Lost and Found

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by baabaa, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Right, we have had everything in the safety valve, except for lonely hearts.

    For those of you who have lost contact with someone.
    For those that just want to meet others.
    For those who are not afraid to make public their feelings and hardships for others to help resolve.
    For those to use this as an escape from normal life and discuss topics of emotions.
    For those who just want to find their soul mates.
    This is not an online dating service, but a place for people to meet, and should things 'click' then use alternative arrangements such as chat rooms and telephone away from Afterdawn.

    [bold]The rules:
    1. Remember this is a public forum, and ALL Afterdawn rules apply throughout.
    2. Strictly no pornographic comments or links to pornographical material, again this is a public forum.
    3. Use common sense when it comes to posting, some comments maybe perceived as offensive to others so use your head people.
    4. Any topic can be discussed, but remember the rights of the individuals who posted them.
    5. No email addresses are to be disclosed as per forum rules.
    6. Do not disclose ANY personal information about yourself or others, remember this is a public forum and you don't want everyone to know everything about you or others.
    7. Privacy and discretion is to be used at all times, concerning other users, respect their right to their own privacy.
    8. Use your PM if you feel that it warrants it but remember the rules in doing so, again the PM function should not be abused.
    9. If someone appears to have 'clicked' do not attempt to hijack it or spoil things, to safe guard public humilation I suggest the PM function to be used in this case.
    10. Flirting and casual banter comments are welcome, but should things become steamy, then I suggest you find a hotel.
    11. No abuse of others FULL STOP.
    12. Pictures and links maybe used, but nothing that degrades the forum's integrity such as pronography and doesn't contravene any of Afterdawns rules.
    13. If you are married or in a relationship, then you may want to think twice about posting here, I or Afterdawn, will not be held accountable for any 'moonlighting' you wish to do and you do so at your own risk.
    14. This is to be a lite hearted thread for all to use and meet up online, should things become out of hand, then the modertaors will have no hesitation but to close/remove the thread completely.
    15. Have fun people, remember the rules, respect others, and lets bring the world closer together here at Afterdawn.

    To the Moderators, I know this thread may indeed spiral, and if it does, please remove it as I don't want it to bring Afterdawns reputation into disrepute.[/bold]

    All your comments here are placed at your own risk, Afterdawn or myself shall not be held accountable for any situation you get yourself in due to negligence or stupidity, but the thread can be closed at once.

    Remember, have fun, you never know that special person may just be a keystroke away.

    With all that, I shall be the first to jump into the pond.......LOL



    My name is baabaa
    I am a 30yr old male, I am hetrosexual (hope I got this right, interested in females only) and reside in the UK (willing to drop everything and move)
    I am currently single and own my own home, although the bailiffs are sitting outside at the mo', just waiting for me to miss my mortgage payment.
    I have 3 cats (2 newcomers) and an animal lover.
    I drive a crappy Ford Escort, and would love to meet someone with a similar interest.
    I am an electronics engineer, and a wizard at fixing hair driers and curling tongs.
    I am interested in lots of things, Hiding my smelly feet, Electronics in general, Socialising, Keeping Nostril hair to a minimum, Films, Entertainment (Chubby Brown kills me, he is so disgusting), Trying to lose weight geeze), Keeping my house tidy (dam kittens), Poems, Talking (oh yes, I love to talk) and lots more, but to find out you'll have to ask...............

    If I was to sign up to a dating agency, then I would use the following:
    Little lamb is lost in the wilderness, fluffy and warm with a large coat, very cold at night out here and all I have is my fleece.
    In need of another fleece to snuggle up against, then in the morning we can prance through the meadows and buttercups......baaaaaa!

    Friendship is so important to me, and I would never jeropardise that over anything..................................
    I am a great believer in communication, and telling things how they are, I have plenty of skeletons in my cupboard, and not afraid to display my thoughts and pleasures..............

    Anyone out there want to join in, then be my guest...........

    BTW:In case you were wondering, I am not shy, and consider myself to have a great sense of humour, especially on a Sunday............

    [bold]Hee Hee, I am asking for trouble starting this[/bold]
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2005
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    good to see your engineering degree go to good use! but seriously what do you do as an electronics engineer? just curious because I too have been into electronics for several years, and am currently happy focusing on audio right now, but have always been interested in other electronics fields. I would love to design circuits and things like that. Building vaccuum tube amps would be sweet.
  3. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    I work in the industrial side of things, rather than actual electronics as a vocation.
    Repairs/comissioning/panel build/retrofits/diagnosis/call outs.
    Basically, anything you may find in an automated factory or production plant.
    Conveyors, robotics, injection moulding, lathes, air conditioning etc etc.

    My bias is Inverter and Motion control as I worked at Siemens for many years with their production of AC inverter drives.
    Very conversant with motor control, soft starts, inverters, converters, high speed spindle drives (>20,000rpm outputs) etc.

    I also look at PLC diagnosis aswell, Siemens S5, S7, Allen bradley, GE Fanuc, Mitsubishi etc.
    Not much programming experience (a little), but mainly trouble shooting on breakdowns etc.

    Had a lot of fun a couple of years back with robotics, the technology in there is unbelievable.
    We had several robot test systems, I programmed them up to write my siganture over and over again on the same point.(good for writing out cheques LOL)
    Not the small robots, but the ones you see doing the welds, spraying cars etc.....................excellent fun.............

    Love the work, but it has gotten a little boring as of late, I have just landed a new job (staying within the sector) but more of a management role (starting next month), still gonna get my hands dirty, but playing a more managerial role, making sure things are dealt with correctly etc (LOL, me a manager, thats funny, but a challenge)

    Played around with designing and stuff, but never really got into it, designed a drive exerciser box, which is basically a frequency generator (saw tooth, and square wave outputs) which enables me to feed a velocity command into a drive at a variable frequency 0-10v which ramps the drives output, thus 'exercising' it (LOL), and with the square wave output, enables me to fully load test a servo motor (with a square wave) and have it changing direction instantaneously between 5 secs and 0.2 secs - scarey when you see a motor shift direction at full velocity.................The main control of it was done from ICL8038 frequecny generator IC and coupled with some LM348 opamps, brought a nice portable unit.

    I do love electronics, all the little projects you can make up and have lots of fun, made a small cascading led circuit up (6 leds, bright blue, similar to knight rider) from the standard 555 Timer circuit and put it into on of the bay covers on my PC case.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2005
  4. DrawingLS

    DrawingLS Member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I just wanted to know if that is just a sheep skin costume covering a big bad wolf.

    I hope Auslander doesn't kill me . . .
  5. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    I have been known to be a little frisky from time to time, especially when I'm in season, which usually lasts 11 months..........(have one month off to chill out)

    I suppose you have never encountered a sheep stealing chickens, or pulling sleds......LOL, it can be quite good fun...............
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2005
  6. RussReef

    RussReef Guest

    In driving a crappy Ford Escort? Heheheh!
  7. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Heehee, nice to meet you.

    What model do you drive?

    Mines just a 'P' reg SI
  8. ecknight

    ecknight Regular member

    May 19, 2005
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    i have an electronics engineering degree as well and i love electronics
    (i am a guy so not a chance at romance just nice to talk to peeps about simiular interests)
    but i cant seem to find a job 555 ic are the greayest chip ever invented u can do lots of fun stuff with them but they will only drive bout 8 leds without an opamp lets see closest im came to robotics is an automated paintball defense system we use motion sensors and a stepper moter to turn a paint ballgun into a turrent gun lots of fun
  9. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    don't feel bad baabaa, my first car was a ford escort, and I LOVED it! It was an '89 GT hatchback with a DOHC motor in it, stick shift. (Since you're in the UK I'm sure yours is too, cause you all drive stick over there, but us lazy americans here all drive automatics.) But me I love driving stick. Would you ever buy a automatic BMW? Me either. Yet 94% of all BMWs imported to the US are AUTOMATIC. How lame is that????
  10. DrawingLS

    DrawingLS Member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Sucks to be you all with ford escorts, my first car was a 1998 Chevy Camaro, but I only had it for a couple months, and then it was given to my sister's fiance cause he needed it more and I didn't have a license, but now that I do, I don't have a car . . .
  11. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    LOL Well i did not have a ford escort but i think that a ford escort is better than having your car taken from you and having nothing at all. LOL Second, if they took it from you then it must have not been your car in the beginning??? Man that is like Repo just snatched your Sh*&!!! LOL LOL
  12. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    yeah I'd take a FORD anyday over a CHEVY
  13. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    No way I would take a Ford over a Chevy,but that is just my opinion to be honest.I hate to say this,but I think American made cars suck to be honest.The bad thing is I drive an American made car,so I don't like to say they suck but I am not gonna lie.The best cars made are in Europe or Far East,such as Mercedes,BMW,Nissan,Honda etc...We are actually hurting for a decent car company in America.
  14. Mrs_Taz

    Mrs_Taz Member

    May 2, 2005
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    LMFAO Taz drives an Automatic BMW 5 series hehehehehehe
  15. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    lol but in his defense at least he HAS a beemer, where as I am still dreaming of one.
  16. Mrs_Taz

    Mrs_Taz Member

    May 2, 2005
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    i guess you are right - i drive a crappy fiesta :(

  17. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    As long as it gets you from A to B, doesn't matter how crappy it is...........
  18. DrawingLS

    DrawingLS Member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I do agree that American made cars suck. Honda is probably one of my favorite car companies. They were the first to mass-produce Hybrid Electric Vehicles in 1996 and I LOVE Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Too bad I can't afford one.
  19. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Hyundais suck, too. my little blue deathtrap (an Accent) is falling apart at just over 50,000 miles...but it's a stick-shift! wootass!
  20. bobright

    bobright Guest

    as long as no one mentioned hondas, or suvs. i hate thsoe damned cars

    next person i see driving one im punching them in the face

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