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Problem with converting AVI for VCD

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Danny_W, Jan 22, 2003.

  1. Danny_W

    Danny_W Guest

    Let say I open kazaa to download a movie. The file names are movieCD1.avi and movieCD2.avi. Both of these files are around 700mb. But when I use tmpgenc to convert the avi files to mpeg files, each movie is going to be around 1.5gb. This doesn't seem normal! Something like 6cds in total!? How do I go about getting this on vcd, or is it just that I downloaded the wrong one from kazaa. Should I download one with a smaller resolution?

    Also CD2 I think is faulty, with tmpgenc it stops at 11% every time, only with that movie. :(

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'll give you an idea. I assume that you use the TMPGEnc wizard to create vcd, if so then follow these instructions!

    After you choose the vcd you want to create, and you enter the filenames you will see 3 options, source range, clip frame & Noise Reduction. Tick the box beside source range. When the new dialog opens, click "set start frame" then click "move to end frame", then click "set end frame". Click OK, and then continue to the encoding. It should be a lot smaller now!
  3. Danny_W

    Danny_W Guest

    Thank you. I will try that next, and if CD2 still freezes at 11% I'm stuck, and BTW-I do not use the wizard on TMPGEnc I used the tutorial from this site. But I will use the wizard when I come to doing this.
  4. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    If you dont use the wizard you can still get the dialog for sourcing range by doing this.

    Click Settings and click the advanced tab. Tick the box beside source range and if the dialog doesn't open double click source range. Then just do what i told you in the last post i made!

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