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help connecting to xbox with flashFXP

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ger08, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. Cliffy

    Cliffy Guest

    Uniique, I joined this site just to ask for your help. I have a linksys wireless router. I have two computers and an xbox on this router. Okay, One computer is hooke to the router using a cable, this computer I am on now is wireless, and the xbox is connected using a cord. Okay, here's my problem; I start up my xbox and it goes to the unleash X dashboard becuase I softmodded it, I go to settings-->misc-->start FTP, when I click that it does nothing. So I go to the wireless computer and try to connect to my xbox using Flash FXP, I fill in all the correct info, Login=xbox password=xbox My static IP is 192.168.0 here is the message I always get
    WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005
    [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
    [R] Connected to
    [R] Connection failed (Connection lost)
    [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1

    Help with this would be GREATLY appriciated

    Oh, I forgot to add that when my fire wall is on, it connects instantly but when the firewall is off it takes about 10 seconds before it says "Connection faild"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2005
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    First off, thank you...I'm flattered. But most importantly, let's get your situation resolved. First problem I see is your dashboard. When you softmodded your box, was EvoX the only dashboard you loaded? Did you increase the hard drive size or just softmod the factory drive? If you have Avalaunch or the ability to load it, do it. EvoX causes problems when it comes to FTP "it's just a fact" I've experienced first hand on several occasions. Second, if I'm reading your statement correctly, you're trying to FTP into your PC by initiating the process with your Xbox. No. Flip it. Get a program like Flash FXP on your PC and FTP into your box. Most importantly, EvoX may be your biggest obstacle. Load Avalaunch if you've got it or try to get it. Lastly, when you try it again, since you're having problems, do it via DHCP...maybe something with your settings is off and let's face it, DHCP is a lot easier since everything is assigned for you. Lemme know how it works out!!
  3. Cliffy

    Cliffy Guest

    Okay, I have the factory drive, I have the UNLEASH X Dashboard, not the EVO X. Avalaunch sounds like it may work. I don't have it, but can I download it Via Action replay? The same way I Downloaded Linux?
    If so, where can I get it? Also, how do I DHCP, i'm a total and complete noob at this.
  4. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

  5. y0mo

    y0mo Guest

    Hey Uniique1,
    I have a question, When I wanted to softmod my xbox I went to this forum and I found this tut.(http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/203285)
    Okay I has either EvolutionX or MXM for the dashboard when I install, I just choose. Okay just to get it done im going to choose EvolutionX. Now I read you post about EvoX being really "retarded" with FTP'ing so I was just wondering where I can get Avalaunch and also how would I install/load it?

    Thank You,
  6. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    try xbins...
  7. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Ok, I tried some way that i saw from some guy which was going to the "Local Area Connection Status" properties. Then going to the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)'s" properties and was told to click on "Use the following IP Address" option and entering my xbox's IP address. It worked once and i made some skins for it. But when i tried to FTP agian it didnt work. Whats going on? Can someone please help? When i try to connect agian it tells me that the IP address in already in use and to input another one! IM GETTING REALLY MAD! Oh, by the way im using EvoX. I know theres problems with this softmod but i dont know how to get or install Avalanche or whatever. Also i have a router that only has 1 ethernet port so i cant do that other thing. I can only connect the ethernet directly to the back of my pc. Please someone please help!
  8. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Calm Down...If you get frustrated with these things, it will only get worse. Think about what you've done because your problem is obvious. Your xbox has a Static IP address, it must. How do I know. Because you went to that "LAN CONNECTION" on your PC and input the same address as your xbox. That's why your system is saying there is a duplicate address on the Network.
    - Make sure you are using a crossover cable
    - Change that LAN connection on your PC to a different number (one that doesn't already exist on your network. Most importantly, one different from that of your xbox
    - Yes EvoX has problems but that doesn't mean it's non functional. Personally I prefer Avalaunch.

    In order to connect directly to a LAN connection, that connection must have a static IP created (like you did) but just make sure it is a different IP than what's being connected to it. No two people have the same Social Security Number and IP addresses must be different for components on the same Network.

    Ensure at least those areas are covered and try again.
  9. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    um.. ok how do you change my pc ip address. My xbox's IP is ( How do i go about changing my pc's IP and im more than sure I have a cross-over cable, i hope. I cant really check cause i through away the box, but its actually worked ones for me so i think i did something right. Oh and thanx by the way Liquid1 its cool how your helping people like me on this website! :)
  10. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    oops, sorry i ment uniique1. Sorry about that! :)
  11. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    You're welcome...but lets get you fixed and FTPing.

    You don't need to change your PC's IP address. It's the LAN connection address I was referring to. As for how to change it you stated the correct steps in one of your previuos posts. This one, LoneWolfD (Newbie) 2. July 2005 @ 05:24, you did everything right as for the steps. You just need to go back and make sure that the IP address you assign to that LAN connection is not identical to any IP on your network. Otherwise, you'll get the same message as before.

    Crossover cable...How to check. Make sure the LAN connection you are plugging into has an IP address. Power on you XBOX & PC, plug the xbox into that connection. See what is displayed on the XBOX as the IP address. If it comes up something like Er.x.x.x. (I think)...your cable is probably not a crossover or you didn't properly assign a static IP to that LAN connection. SOMETIMES...it may be written on the LAN cable itself if it's crossover or not.
  12. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Don't forget to assign a static IP to your Lan COnnection. Make it like your xbox's IP but change the last digit. (i.e.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2005
  13. housedad

    housedad Guest

    im having problems connecting to x-box ive used the ip and as tcp ip and can not get it to connect keeps failing please someone help me get this problem fixed i purcheased th box dont know what kind of insied it has but it is modded from sight on webplease some one talk me threw this process i have all the programs needed to burn and transfer just cant get them to work right
  14. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Ok, so what your telling me is that i have to input a different IP address than my Xbox's ( in the "Internet Protocol" properties? I dont really get this! All i know that i inputed the same IP address as my Xbox's last time and the freakin thing worked. Please Help and explain in baby language, LOL! :)
  15. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Ok i read the your forum again and your making me think that theres two IP's in my xbox. 1.) the actual xbox and 2.) the LAN wire's IP? I didnt know that the actual cord had an IP. Is this right or am i wrong. Please explain everything step by step. Thank you again. :)
  16. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    When i plug the LAN into the PC from my Xbox an IP pops out. It reads ( The only other IPs i see are Subnet, Default Gateway and some server one. All this doesnt make sence to me.
  17. housedad

    housedad Guest

    ok i need help x-box is modded and i have flashfxp also have type the addresses in in lan but still cannot get connected dont realy know to much about computers but bought a cable and the guy at micro center told me it was a crossover cable so at this point i cant figure out what i:m doing wrong please help
  18. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    I will try to explain again "in baby language".

    You are trying to connect your xbox to your PC for the ability to transfer files between the two, right? There is one question I should have asked besides that...how many LAN connections do you have on your PC? They are the adapters that look like an oversized phone cable, identical to the one in the back of the xbox.
    - IF you have one on your PC...And you have assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address to it then it's ready to be connected to it.

    WHAT IS A STATIC IP ADDRESS: For your current needs; Bsically an identification number for everything on your network (i.e. a name, social security number, street address, etc.) so "yep, you guessed it" so everything can easily be identified.

    DO YOU NEED A STATIC IP ADDRESS? YES!!! Because you are using a direct connection between your xbox and PC.

    NOTE: If you were using a Hub or Router to establish your network, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which basically assigns addresses to everything on your newtowrk automatically or Static IP set up would both be available to you.

    HOW DO YOU ASSIGN A STATIC IP? Honestly dude, you told me how you did it and it was right. like I said before, you just need to make sure nothing on your network had te same IP address. Here is a link to a tutorial on how to set it up on your PC. http://www.portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm

    If you have more than one LAN connection in the back of your PC, use the one that is not in use by your PC. If you only have one, just make sure it has a static IP address (use the tutorial) and move on to your xbox.

    You xbox will also need to have a static IP address. You said that currently, it displays an IP address but that doesn't mean it's a Static IP address. You are gonna need to search in the Network Settings of your xbox and see if DHCP is enabled or not. If it is enabled, you will need to disable it, restart your xbox, go back to the settings, create a static IP (anything different from your computer's) and fill in the other information so it's identical to your PC.

    EXAMPLE: If you PC's Setting look like...
    IP Address......
    Subnet Mask.....
    Default Gateway.
    DNS Servers.....

    When you enter you xbox's settings, input everything your PC's settings show and create a new IP address for your xbox (i.e.

    I hope this gets you off on the right foot.

  19. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    For your Flash FXP problem...you've get to supply the members more for us to be able to help...

    How are you attempting to connect your xbox? (Directly or over a network)

    Which dashboard are you using?

    Do you have other dashboard options?

    What error is being displayed if any when you try to connect?
  20. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Thank you very much! :) I was finally able to FTP agian by inputing into "internal protocal". Then inputing my xbox's IP into FlashFXP. I think i got all this IP stuff. Thank you unique1, all your good karma well pay off.

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