I am currently having a problem with my DVD drive. It is a Sony DVD RW DW U14A and it will read discs, like movies and games. However when I come to right something to DVD ir won't work. Every disc I put in it says I have 0kb on the total disc and 0kb available. Programs like clone DVD and such wont allow me to use discs either anymore. The drive worked fine until about 2 days ago were it simply ceased to operate, Is there anything you can do to help me with the problem?
Are you running CloneCD or any other copying program which allows you to 'hide CDR media'? If so unselect that option or exit the app in the systray. Fish
@daggers07 - download Nero info-tool from here - http://www.snapfiles.com/get/neroinfo.html Run it, note down the following, and paste here. Here's what mine shows - click on the drive tab, note down the firmware version
This is what my drive is showing. Btw to the other poster this isnt a DVD writing software error as all discs I input say 0kb total space 0kb available.
Download dvdinfopro (free) and run one of those discs thru it's media info check and paste the details here Also, newer version (2.0e) of your firmware (dated Jun 2003!) is here - ftp://ftp.vaio.sony.co.jp/pub/vaio/download/SP-006774-03/SOFOPD-00677403-UN.exe
If clonecd or equivalent was hiding the cdr/dvd media from apps, all cd writing software would say bugger off I ain't writing. This fits with what you have described. It wouldn't be limited to just clonecd or whatever. What applications do you have installed, Nero, clonecd, alcohol??? Fish
it fails on DVD santa, DVD shrink and DVD clone also when I drag files into a disc uning windows it also says it full. Here is some more information you may find helpful. This also just recently occured its its not working on other discs types like bulkpaq and satawrite that ive used countless times before its just not working. This discs I put in work on other computers so I know that they are not the problem.
Media Information Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO Media code/Manufacturer ID RITEKG05 Format Capacity Blank Disc Free Blocks 411107328 Free Capacity 4.38GB(4.71GB) Book Type DVD-R Media Type DVD-R Manufacturer Rated Speed 8.0x 11080KBps Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps Available Write Descriptor CLV 2.0x 2770KBps Available Write Descriptor CLV 1.0x 1385KBps Write Strategy Speed 4.0x 5540KBps 2x Speed OPC beta 08 2x Speed OPC power 12 2x Write Strategy field 1 11 98 9A 80 2x Write Strategy field 2 88 80 00 00 00 00 4x Speed OPC beta 06 4x Speed OPC power 18 4x Write Strategy field 1 0D 10 07 07 4x Write Strategy field 2 97 06 0C 0B 4x Write Strategy field 3 80 00 00 00 4x Speed OPC beta multi-pulse 04 4x Speed OPC power multi-pulse 1D 4x Write Strategy field 4 17 B8 88 75 4x Write Strategy field 5 89 AC 98 81 00 10 4x Write Strategy field 6 00 00 D0 00 00 Data area starting sector 30000h Linear Density 0.267um/bit Track Density 0.74um/track Number of Layers 1 Complete Media Code 00000000 00 6A 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 86 0E 11 .j...@....R..... 00000010 98 9A 80 00 03 52 49 54 45 4B 47 00 04 30 35 00 .....RITEKG..05. 00000020 00 00 00 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 02 00 06 08 12 11 ................ Thats the log I got from DVD info Pro
@daggers07 - have a look at the 2nd link in my signature re Bulkpaq. Datawrite aren't much better, well some of them anyway... have a look while i digest your piccies.....
Ive never used a 8x before however, none of my bulkpaq or datawrite discs work either and those are 4x so... also these 8x work fine in my other DVD writer which is also only a 4x.
bulkpaq are inferior quality (my 2nd link shows how badly i was stung by their FAKE 'Taiyo Yuden' disks). As for Datawrite, this is not a complete or up to date list, but there's not a great deal of quality to choose from here - Datawrite Classic Grey DVD-R 4x (PRODISC S03) Datawrite Classic Grey DVD-R 8x (FUJIFILM03) Datawrite Classic Grey DVD-R 8x (Prodisc F01) Datawrite Classic Red DVD-R 4x (PRINCO......) Datawrite Classic Titanium DVD+R 8x (CMC MAG. AE1) Datawrite Classic Yellow DVD+R 8x (MCC 003) Datawrite Classic Yellow DVD+R 8x (PRODISC R03) Rev03 Datawrite Classic Yellow DVD-R 1x (PRINCO......) Datawrite Classic Yellow DVD-R 4x (PRINCO......) Datawrite DVD+R 2.4X (PRODISC R01) Datawrite DVD+RW ?x (PRODISC W01) Datawrite DVD-R 4x (RITEKG04....) Datawrite DVD-R 8x Printable (CMC MAG AE1) Datawrite DVD-RW 2x (PRINCO......) Datawrite Red (V2) DVD-R 4x (AN31........) Datawrite Red (V2) DVD-R 4x (INFOSMART01.) - the media codes are in brackets, a mixed bag of quality. Plus i've come across some 'MCC' coded Datawrites that were appalling.
This is pretty stupid I cant understand why it would work all this time then just cease to operate -_-
- that's the trouble with crap media, it's crap most of the time (just like in that 2nd link - did you read it yet ?) (not saying the Ritek's are crap as i don't know much about them, however i'll do some searching in a bit)
You would think if it was a crap media problem then it would write to the media craply, rather than not write to the media. It would, and all its brothers would, have to be really crap to produce the problem outlined. So.....
@fishily, pls read the 2nd link in my sig, you'll see how crap media can fool people for literally hundreds of the exact same discs/same setup too..
Yes, there is some crap media out there. But since the media he's using used to work but now doesn't suggests something else. GO5 isn't bad stuff, there is better but there's also worse. And sometimes you do get some on a spindle which is screwed, the ones before work and the ones after work but the one in your hand has uneven dyes etc but some do work. I would still go with either, hardware has gone on the fritz or 'hide cdr media' in clonecd or alcohol. The second is most likely, since it fits the facts as laid out by him. Until hes says he doesn't have clonecd, alcohol or gamejack etc on his machine and has checked for the above that would be my favourite. Fish