DVD 43 does not appear to work for me. I first started with the devil smiley, I could not close the program, after a few reboots I got the green smiley, then the yellow smiley but when I attempt to burn nothing happens. I have used add/remove but program is still there. This last time I had the green smiley and able to close the program. I use clone and decryter. Thanks for you help.
kmaki Make sure the program is closed b/4 uninstalling it. I haven't used DVD43 but I think its similar to AnyDVD. To make sure its closed you should not see a smiley face. Go to the folder where it program is located and look for an uninstall.exe. Double click and try uninstalling it that way.
Goto Control Panel in your start up menu. Click Add/Remove Programs. Find dvd43. click to remove. click remove. that should do it. 99% of the time that's the way to remove a program or app.
To remove DVD43 CORRECTLY from your PC follow this: To un-install all versions of DVD43: 1. Using your Windows Control Panel, Add and Remove Programs, remove DVD43. THEN, 2. Delete all the files in your 'C:\Program Files\dvd43' folder, THEN 3. Reboot your computer tis always better to remove a program completely ~ Cheers, Pete
Thanks Pete. It wasn't until the smiley was green that I was unable to finally remove the program. I don't know why the program would not allow me to quit and the smiley devil would not go away.
Yep, You have to go through the whole thing in order to rid yourself of the entire proggy. Just doing part of it won't get it done. Glad you finally have it done. Cheers, Pete