on a scale from one to ten; ten being the most; how difficult is it to mod a game like halo 2 for the xbox
I wouldn't really say that Halo games are super complex, and to prove this just take a look at some of the maps that people have customized. I have never gotten into Halo2 editing much, but the original Halo game I modded out pretty massively. Honestly, if you find guides on Halo modding, it is not that tough...
I'm talking about Halo's for the Xbox. If you have Halo 1 for PC, then there is a site that you can DL brand new maps created by other people... So you can bet that the complexity of the game isn't to deep, especially for PC.
how exactly do you mod halo or hack into the programs they used to creat the halo maps. i thought bungie put a hash one the maps so people couldnt break into them? please let me know how you mod halo 1...
u could download maps already created at http://files.halomods.com/ but i am still new to this modding thing soo i don't know much
Ca$h goes from asking the questions to answering the questions, good job buddy! Why can't everybody that learns important info. pass down their knowledge to others like he did? Instead they learn it and run w/ it....
Hey guys what is going on...readin up on you guys .. and stuff..just wondering i got amod chip in my xbox...can i go on xbox live with it or will i be banned..i obviously i know there is a chance of being banded but i s there a risk or wil l istright be banned? do yoiu know? message me cash and pimp dawg youseem to know ltos about modding...thanks alot guys..wud ibe better off with softmod?
Inglis101, if you disable your chip before going online, then you will have a very high chance of not being banned. Anybody that drops a chip in their system and goes online always has that slim to none chance of being banned, but it would be like M$ finding a needle in a haystack. ineedamod, what kind of mod are you looking for?