If dRD is'nt to bussy (which he is), I think it would be kind of cool if we could have customization options for aD!!! Tell me what you're thoughts are...
What like being able to choose what colours you want for the sections of AD like instead of it being that orange colour you could change it to sumthin like green or blue or yellow ?
i'd be afraid of the possible load on the servers and the total overhaul that might require. we're lucky we have any colors at all, as drd has said he prefers text only. he wants to keep AD as simple as possible, and in terms of keeping a lowest common denominator, technology wise, it's a good way to go.
Yeah it would be nice to have sum changes but may slow down everything and people with dial-up wont be very happy.
I think the way drD is goin @ it right now is the way to go. cause like every1 has mentioned we still have dial up and we dont wanna make things too complicated for newbies
you've had 7 replies, i'm a little curious as to what you mean also. [bold]SO PLEASE EXPLAIN[/bold] oh and busy is just one [bold]S[/bold]
Quite pusy, yes... But I have plans to allow registered members to customize few features on the site -- including people to turn off all the images, sigs, etc in forums when browsing the forums. Additionally, as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, each member will have "profile" page later this year -- the contents of that page I still need to figure out with other admins, but it will allow basically creating "your own homepage within aD" rather than having the usual "Hi, this is me!" desc.
I wasnt trying to insult Boss... Sorry if I did... I just think it would be cool if the boss is'nt bussy (which i know he is cause hes a busy man...) srry i didnt post sooner... Forget that I made this thread...;P
this is like the only website that is TRULY FUN. before i was a member i would get NO MAIL, i felt lonely, now im a member and i get an average of 20+ per day, im always busy on aD and i love it.