I have Nero Express Vison Express 3, Nero Burnng ROM 6-SE, etc. I have successfully converted several miniDVD'S video format into onelarge DVD, after editing on the computer. My question is how do you convert from VR format taped on the camcorder on miniDVD's to a Video format to be saved on large DVD. I do not have a USB conection from my camcorder. I am unable to load the VR formatted DVD directly to my computer or TV -DVD player?? I read other forums and one suggestions was to use TMPG free trial software to convert. I loaded this software, but when asked to load DVD video, I clicked to open dVD with VR -format -- error message. Your assistance is appreciated.
This is very troublesome 'cos only limited players can play discs with video in vr mode. But surely you'll have some connection between the camcorder and the pc (usb, firewire)?
Thanks for your frankness. I am aware of the limited players that can play in the VR mode. TMPG software claims they can do this but unfortunately I am unable to do this with their 30 day free sofware. I wonder what is the advantage of the VR mode? One thought I had was to use my web cam connected to my computer and record my DVD-Camcorder playing this VR mini-DVD. I know it will work but the quality is only as good as the web camera.
The only good thing about the vr mode is you can edit your movie clips on the camcorder. But who would need that if I can do in on the PC with more ease? Anyway, I take it you have at least composite or s-video output on your miniDVD camcorder. If so, try buy a video capture card and connect that way. Or if you can get hold of a camcorder that does have usb, then try transfer the video over. Good luck!
Thanks again for your suggestions. I totally forgot that I do know of someone of a sony mini-dvd with a usb connection. I will look into that at than capture it that way. When I get this taken care of I will comment further on the outcome. Logically it sounds like a great plan and I'm optimistic about it.