Hi all, What do you guys think would be the minumum necessary stats for a computer just to watch DVD and TV on it? Ive been told no less than a 1 Ghz processor, but what video card would I need to play dvd without any problems? Id be hooking it up to an lcd monitor probly just through the vga port. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers guys Tristan
I played movies and tv just fine with my Intel P4 1.7G and a nvidia FX5200 graphics card. You only need more if you get into post processing. I played DVD's on my old laptop with a PIII 800Mhz and onboard video. Playback of video doesn't really tax your cpu it's done in the video card. Unless you have onboard video than it will tax your cpu some. If you're running TV you'll need a tv capture card and it will do all the processing for the raw TV feed. If you get into post processing and converting the signal to 1080i or 1080p than you will need to worry about getting serious hardware.
my comp is kinda new, but i use geforce 5600fx..ive ran dvds on my old p2 533mhz i think pc, i think it has a 32 mb graphics excellerator(gpu)