Ok, i need major help with using dot halo, everytime i go in there i mess with jump height and rate of fire and stuff like that then i hit fix encryption, close map, and FTP into my xbox, but...it always says i failed to load the map, does anyone no how to use dot halo?
I need some good help with this to i can edit the tags but then when I try to load the map it just telle me you failed to load the map. Even though I have other modded maps on there. (They werent made by me)
The maps need to be "balanced". I have no clue what that means, but I am currently trying to get answers to this. I guess if you change jump height, something else needs to be changed to counter this so it is balanced.
ok so i figured it out with some help of friends but only how to change projectiles, just in case you want to know go to projectiles and pick a bullet, copy its meta, go to the bullet you want it to fire and paste it in the meta window next to its meta. now cut that bullets meta, and save changes. now go to the original weapon and copy that meta over the original meta. save changes and done. oh yeah, you also need to get TF6 encryption, just go to www.halomaps.com>halo 2 programs>encryptomatic after your done modding the map open that up and click Encryptomatic signature and click on the map you modded. as for jump height and rate of fire and all that good stuff i am still gettin the same "You failed to load the map." message so hopefully someone can help me out with that. thanks
Hey man, thanks for the help. I'm hoping we get some more people like you that once they figure out how to do something, they will help they rest of us out. Thanks. And I just got a map resigner program and have not looked at it yet b/c I think that it might be of some use for this.
ok, i found dot halo at halomaps.com(thanks tgun) but when i exract it and try to open it it tells me " The application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000135). Click on ok to terminate application." can anybody help me?
when i try to update windows using express it tells me there is no updates. i also did costum and there is none. is there a nother way to get .net framework
If you do not know what you are doing w/ that...then dont use them. Just use the tag editor window, that should be all you want. Andjust look and experiment...there are no good tut's on this yet. Too many ppl are too ignorant to share their knowledge.
Hey can any1 help me see.... im trying 2 use the dot halo but when i try 2 open it 4 some reason it doesnt open. So i decided 2 download .NET Framework and still doesnt open. Maybe did i get the wrong NET Framework? dO I NEED SOMETHING ELSE? So i was wondering if some1 can giv me a site to download it and the type of version. If i get the program working i well be able 2 help cuz i hav 10 friends that are gonna tell me what 2 do.So CAN ANY1 HELP ME?
if you dident exract it you need winrar.(just click it) its just like winzip but for rar files. when you get it just right click dot halo and extract it.