I have several mpg movies that I want to be able to burn to CD-R's they range in size from 950mb to a little over a gig. How can I compress or get the movie on a cd-r disc that is 650 or 700mb?
hi jadair75, Welcome to AD..now to address your question. 950mb is a big file and to fit to cd-r you would have to trim so much off the movie expect to lose 20-30% of the video quality (due to compression). With that being said you can try a program called vcdgear (google search) that may be able to assist you in your task. I will check around and see if there is an alternative method. Also if you want to watch them on a standalone player I would suggest switching them over to dvd compliant files using nero vision express and putting several of them on dvd. Not sure if that is an option you want but let me know. Sorry just remembered nero vision express does give the option of compressing but the quality will definitely deteriorate.